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Dan Glebitts
how many questions have you asked and how many answers have you given??
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Is it just me? I love the smell of washing once it comes out of the washing machine. I use that 'Surf Tropical' washing stuff and it makes my clothes smell soooooo lovely. I can't stop sniffing them....
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Not sure if this is the correct category, maybe it should be (animals&nature,) but was just wondering what sort of pleasure do people get by "mooning"? Just seen it included in a clip on "TV...
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i was just wondering how old you are, i dont mean any disrespect of course as i was always taught to respect my elders...but was just curious as some of your replies are very mature and caring but...
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I have just watched the first series almost at once. Seriously it is the funniest thing I have seen in years. Why do people like Little Britain, which is the same week in week out. Boosh is...
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Me and my friend have both decided that we need to meet and make new friends as we are both so sick of the usual crowd of young annoying drunk guys in our town. The same old crowd that goes out at the...
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This lunchtime the annmouncement was made that the killer of Rochelle Holness has been jailed for life. Her mother shouted "Rot in Hell" I applaud her and her feelings for her daughters killer. When...
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My Friend is about 10 stone and 6 foot, he is athletic built but wants to put on weight, Im trying to lose some so we have started to go to the gym him to build and me to tone and trim. When we finish...
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I was travelling home last week, driving past a golf club. A golf ball was hit by someone on the golf course, it sailed over the trees/hedge and hit the wing of my car, causing a dent. The golf club...
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The Body and Soul section of this website has seen in the last few weeks questions that I consider not to be suitable for children.For example. Whether Liverpool winning the FA Cup was better than sex...
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Ocean's 11 on in 4 mins ITv2 (the new version). Do I stay up and watch it. Have to be up at 4ish in the morning!!!!
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whenever i try to get a girlfriend i never seem to put myslef across the right way and always up in the feared "friend zone." I need help. Any and all advice appreciated
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Ok so I've made up my mind and ST it is. So, having been to a few local dealers in manchester can I get one??? NO!! They're on a 12 - 16 week wait. Is this really worth it?? Plus they won't really...
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Hi, I'm not sure I'm posting this in the right place, if not please say. My good friend is going to Crete with another friend in a couple of weeks and is taking some dope with her on the aeroplane. I...
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does anyone no of any good books , websites or dvds on true crime.
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Money not really a problem, but don't want a sport version to pay for extra frills. Your thoughts please. Sorry I posted twice! (Money and Finance) x
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I keep feeling nauseous after exercise. I dont do anything too strenuous, I do pilates and swimming once a week - does anyone know why I feel sick after everytime I exercise? Thanks x
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an employee was suspended from work due to gross misconduct and was banned from entering work premises , eventually the person was sacked - would they be banned permantly from their sacked place of...
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Ok we all know guys are confusing but this is taking the p!ss! There is someone I like and have liked for months and we get on great and things have been up and down between us. We are good mates but...
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I've always been someone who goes with the flow and I often am only motivated by other people's enthusiasm. For example in a relationship i only want to go somewhere if the other person wants to, and...

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