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What you think. Boy of 16 always been on the thin side besides eating like a horse, He is at college training to be a chef but over the past two weeks or so he has gone off his food. He doesn't want...
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of these. m I would. My mum died 22 years ago after many years suffering. I don't want to go like her.
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I have enjoyed reading the replys to Wix'a what if thread. It made me think of might pet subject of the moment, I've been reading Max Brooks Zombie survival guide and World War Z, and I began to...
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Thats me done. The boy has turned up to tak the laptop. Night night you lovely people and sleep
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Many years ago in Winchester I used to live in a lovely big old house that had a Mulberry tree in the back garden. I used to love sitting on the swing that hung from it and loved the fruit even more....
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Is it possible for the author of a thread to remove it? Thanks for your time.
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People from abroad do we have in AB? I noticed tis morning that when I put my curser on the answer tab there was a small tab came up with the option in about 6 other languages. I have never noticed...
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to travel the world. I fancy bumping round google earth for a while. Poke your heads out the window and say hi as I pass. Have a good evening you lovely people.
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reading 3 thread titles in a row. It comes out as 'I am fed up virgin anybody. If you look at titles only u can get some really good ones. I must be realy bored.
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Heard any thinder yet. We had a couple of rumbles here and thats all.:-( I love a good storm. WHERES MY STORM.
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Why did the gallery let this man do this. I signed the potition without a second thought. Sorry if it upsets but this b*stard has to be stopped. His next...
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Ever a time when you just wish your kids would pull themselves together and get on with it. My daughter has been through some rough stuff because of my ex. He even kept me on sleeping pills so I would...
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Is it wise to switch off ur internet if theres a thunderstorm. TY
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reading Chakkas post reminded me of this. My sister in law can't wear a watch because every watch she has ever had (and thats quite a few over the years) has stopped after a few hours of her putting...
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people. I off to the bank. Robbing it has crossed my mind but I only want a short holiday not a 10years in one of her majesties hotels. See you all later if I can prise the laptop away from my son....
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tigerlily11 6.stm I personally don't think he mad. I think it's an attempt by him to avoid what he knows will be a prison sentence from hell. He knows whats waiting...
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You lovely people. Thanks for cheering up what has otherwise been a b*tch of a day. Sleep well.
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to the thread about songs being up lifting. Are there any songs that turn you on? Mine is Bruce Springsteens I'm on fire. I also feel pretty good when hearing Robert Plants Biglog. WHat a weird name...
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Dr Who have a name at all? Thanks for your time

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