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I'm a member of a local google group. Whenever I receive an email from one particular person within the group, it goes into my Spam folder; this doesn't happen with messages sent from anyone else...
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Please could someone who has this quiz give me the definitive spelling for #40? My version seems to have had an H inserted, but the answer I want to give doesn't require one.
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Why do SMS messages fail? Have just tried to contact someone on EE network but message wasn't sent. The only other time that happened was at midnight on New Year's Eve, which | could understand....
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A frivolous question for this section - don't know where else to put it. candy crush site wants me to update. I can't update, can't cancel, can't play. What am I doing wrong?
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I'm a fairly patient person, but this is finally getting me getting 50-100 emails per day on my desktop (Windows 7, Google, btinternet) and by sync on to my smartphone. Nothing stops them;...
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While I was out yesterday OH put something in the microwave for 13 mins instead of 1min 30 secs. There is (surprise) a strong smell of burnt good even though I've washed it thoroughly. I'm nervous...
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On the Answerbank site only (using mainly Q & P) I'm having trouble answering and asking questions; a lot of 'processing request' messages followed by 'pages unresponsive'. How can I put this right?...
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My BP has always been perfect (120/80).suddenly it's shot up to 217/90, and I've been feeling faint ( which I thought was a symptom of low BP anyway). I'm 73. Any thoughts, anyone?
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While I was clearing some space on the hard drive the other day, I mistakenly uninstalled something called acropolis. Since then, perhaps coincidentally, I've had trouble connecting to this site and...
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Trying to download a game from Gamehouse (yes I know, but my excuse is that it keeps my reactions quick...) and am getting the above message (and no game). It's the fourth one in a series, and I've...
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I have diverticular disease, but have been attack-free for some time now, since I discovered that one trigger appeared to be having drinks containing organic milk. Things have started to hot up again...
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We need to replace the white letterbox in our front door. Have looked online, but they all seem to be for depths up to 80mm, whereas ours appears to be 90mm. Am I measuring the wrong thing, or is this...
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I haven't used Windows Live Mail since Adam was a boy, and have just opened it to find a zillion messages in the inbox. I'm sure I used to be able to delete them all at once, but I can't remember how...
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I've received two emails today, supposedly from Apple, saying that my Apple ID has been blocked due to multiple attempts from a foreign country to gain access to the account. I'm assuming this is a...
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I'm getting 'system busy' notices and 'connection lost' and cannot send emails. Is there a general problem this morning?
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Are there any monthly general knowledge-type quizzes around, similar to the old lovely Quizmail? We moved to the Great Brain/Fun quiz when Quizmail finished, but sadly that too has had to end. We're...
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Is there another problem with BT today? Every time I try to log in to BT mail it reverts to the previous screen.
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I expect there is a simple answer to this, but it hasn't arisen for me before: OH is thinking of joining the electronic revolution and getting a laptop or tablet. Will we have to have a separate...
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Idiot that I am, when the family was over here for the biennial visit at Christmas I was so busy enjoying myself that I forgot to take many photos. The three I have were taken on my camera (Olympus),...
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I think I may have asked this question before, but it was some time ago so I expect the advice may have changed. I'm thinking about getting a tablet computer; what would you recommend? Price isn't a...

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