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24dn Mandelson's chief destiny crushed by plonker (3,4) T?M ?O?? I think this is one of 12 clues lacking a definition, and the answer is the name of someone quoted in Pseuds Corner (in 2008). My P.E....
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Help, please! Finished the grid a looong time ago but still can make no sense of "The probable all-time world number one (8)".
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xword fanati
1 ac live among troops in town in south wales ?????i?l?r? 7d measure designed to discourage further advances ?????? ?q???z?
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Hi people if anyones still awake cud you help me put this xword to bed please? 16a Spin in which the Northern English women will go to Ireland ????L 6d Not upset about the Queen being unobtrusive...
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Struggling this week. Two questions which won't give the game away (I've yet to crack it). 10ac Spoils of war - peers captured in Arizona? Just the opposite (6). I have PRIZES and an extra A (wordplay...
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27dn Patrolling small island we keep watch for Edmund (5) I think the answer might be WAITE=W(AIT=small island)E, but how is this related to Edmund? Many thanks for any suggestions.
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I'm having a bit of difficulty with my last entry 13d.. Great piece of art, ahead of the rest? The row gets complex. If the wordplay is ..The row gets anagram of "The row gets", then I...
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Help! 6D Issue to make gal mad? (3,3) 19A Actress Hatcher perhaps collecting silver (5) H?G?N
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4D Initially wet on the ground in Gabon, granule around noon is tending to stay dry (5-9) 1D Compose the line, then one bar of course (10,4)
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8dn Several days with horrors! (4) W?E? (if other answers correct!) WEEK or WOES? (WEEK=W+EEK! seems weak). Any suggestions please?
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The cause and effect were all too obvious but I'm sure the additional "... thus thwarting an attempt to save the planet" must have some additional significance (other than making cause and effect...
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I'm fairly sure I have the quote and its author but can't find the exact source -- I've tried Google but with no success. Does anyone know the source, and does it appear anywhere on the web? (a...
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42 Across Without adequate scrutiny. On the -o-.Thank you for any help.Horace
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What is the character of Aeschylus to be highlighted in Inquisitor #73
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For some reason I'm getting a "No Relevant Questions found" message even with a test search; i.e. I know that there should be some results. Is it a problem with theAB, or has something gone wrong with...
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2dn. Do nine times the repair work after untimely first effort? (5) R?S?W Perhaps I've got the wrong letters elsewhere, but I can't make anything work. RESEW seems 1/2 possible, but why? Any help...
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mad max
have completed grid and know theme etc, but just cant get the five letter word (linked to a theme word ) starting at top left of grid, I have CR?ME, thanks in advance
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I've completed the grid and obtained my instructions (from the missing letters) but don't have a clue what to do with them. Inspection of the grid gives me nothing but a headache and an overwhelming...
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8ac. Compound of two elements from one above (6) ?I?O?E I'm clueless on this one; any help much appreciated.
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Is there an ambiguity or am I missing a theme? I've solved the clues (I think?), including the themed ones; I know what the substituted letters are, and therefore the nature of the second...

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