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Stu Dent

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I just wondered what, if any, religious leanings these teams have. Not that it matters but its just that I have read conflicting statements about Liverpool being the so called catholic club and...
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Is it against the law to burn garden rubbish in a black plastic bin liner. The smell is appalling.
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In my place of work we have cctv, today the police asked if they could have a look to see if a customer they were looking for was in today, we let them i to have alook throught the tapes that were...
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A mate of mine is buying a flat and foolishly (IMO) has decided that he's going to do the conveyancing himself (he's read a book and everything!) Has anyone got any experience of doing this? Horror...
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I was made redundant 14months ago. the company closed the same day as we were made redundant. The liquidators said they would handle all the redundance money. 2months later we got our redundancy money...
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I live in a detached house and the house next door (which is occupied) has been neglected to such a state that we are unable to sell our house for the market value. Is their anything that can be done...
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We are currently in the process of buying a property in a conservation area. The property has a velux window in the roof. The sellers have no documentation relating to this as it was "put in by a...
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My daughter signed an assured shorthold tenancy agreement and paid a deposit on a property that she would not be moving into untill the end of august 2007. She only signed the tenancy a few days ago...
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I got a plumber to put in my central heating 2years ago. He put it in but never finished it off. He went out of business. It was never sign off and i had to get somebody else to finish the job. i...
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a french friend of my partners seems to think that if the same family owns a home for 100 years it becomes the governments property? i dont think this is true? can anyone enlighten me? thanks
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My father passed away in October 2005 , my brother is executor to his will. As yet his estate has not been wound as my fathers house has not yet been put on the market. My brothers excuse is that the...
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Is there are any law to prevent a woman from bearing her breasts in a public place?
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a large compound full of counterfiet goods their is no forced entry,or tresspassing a employee takes some of the items for himself should he be charged with theft or dishonesty, bearing in mind...
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hi can anyone give me a bit of advice! Last november a car stopped suddenley in the middle if the road in front of me, I stopped with a good distance in between. Before i knew what was happening the...
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Does anyone know about the effects of given someone voluntary compensation. I.e as a gesture of remourse or good will....Moreover, if youve assulated a guy in a fight and your going to court would it...
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enrolled nurse's role in obtaining consent from developmentally delayed patient for surgery
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I'm a Solicitor looking into getting out of private practice and want to get some information about teaching law at college/university. I can't seem to find any information on the Internet about any...
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Bought one of these laser printers mid Jan and right from the start kept getting message 'Install [colour] toner' or 'Invalid [colour] toner'. Managed to get it to clear and print a page or 2 by...
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Would I be infringing this law by uploading to the internet (not for profit) fifty year old cartoon footage I have digitised from VHS tape??
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Ca previous convictions be used as evidential significance

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