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stressed out

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stressed out
Just posted about a missing @ sign but i just discovered that somehow the number 2 key has swapped with the ' key so if i want the @ sign i have to press 2 and shift!!! This is weird... Does anyone...
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stressed out
Ok, here goes... I need a new radiator fitted in kitchen, engineer turned up today, (was booked for today but they never gave me a time, just turned up!) Anyway, as i was a bit peed off that he had to...
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On a recent thread about birth signs, I mentioned that I have been doing a course in doing personality readings and seemed to be reasonable good at it. I offered to do personalised readings if people...
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stressed out
Ok, i'm back... Different problem. Or maybe the root cause? Basically i have XP installed on SWAP D and DRIVE E. After defragging i have found out that all drives are infected (whole thing comes up...
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this is going to sound really cruel but can we really hate our own children,ive got a 2 and a half little girl since she started playschool a few months ago shes done nothing but cry all day be very...
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Looking forward to some fab footy, I just wondered who all the non-English football fans will be supporting? Will you switch off? Is your country in the competition? Scotland, Wales and Ireland, will...
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stressed out
I wonder if anyone can shed some light here... I installed a 30 day FREE trial of AVG on my pc about 10 days ago... i have a few probs on the pc anyway but today i had the pc on and all of a sudden...
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stressed out
Hi I have a problem that i hope will just be a small one and that someone out there can help me with! Basically i have recently aquired a second hand p.c from a friend of the family however there are...
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Hi, Just wondering what adivce anyone could give me, I came off my pill on the 23 Feb and my Husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since then. Since last week I have has very sore breast that...
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This advert runs something like you've seen the film now visit the set. Does anyone know what is the piece of music used in this ad
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Hi Stressedout i have just read your thread down below on postnatal depression. Have you tried your son on omega 3. My daughter was murder she would bite lumps out of us and friends children smack...
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Is it possible to get postnatel depression after two years? My son has just turned two, And I suddenly feel really depressed. He never listens to me and is so naughty, yet when he's with other people...
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Does anyone knoe of any good books about how to cope with 2 year olds? Sleeping, behaviour,eating etc
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stressed out
My son is now 2, he was always a bad sleeper and i had a nightmare time to get him to sleep, about 9 months ago i managed to get him into a routine where i put him in his cot with his bottle of milk...
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stressed out
We have recently acquired a new kitten but he seems ferrel. We have 2 other female (nuetered)  cats who are spnding more time away, we are scared that we may lose them so we need to rehome the...
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stressed out
I have been receiving final demands and court orders from a solicitors on behalf of a former emloyer ( of 3 years ago!) They are claiming that i owe them a sum of money, which i know i don't as i have...
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<font color=#ff6666>its taking me at least 45 mintues to get my daughter to sleep. before it only took me 10 mintues. help any suggestions</font>
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stressed out
My 14 month old is really hyperactive and seems to do some kind of dance where he throws his head back and forth and i cringe everytime hoping he does'nt hit his head on any corners, or the floor! Is...
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stressed out
Hi, i hope someone can help me out. I need to find a mailing address for Scottish Widows overseas and/ where i can obtain a claim form pack for Government Pensions. Thanx
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stressed out
My 14month old has had a nappy rash for a couple of days now, it's really red and feels warm to the touch and he stiffens his legs and whimpers everytime i go near his bottom, it's upsetting to see...

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