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can anyone explain why my extra letter in 14a is "a" not "l"?
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Baked or not, this one has a dry centre. I think the answer is "Savarin". Does anyone agree or have another suggestion?
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Is this accountant mixed up in a very small parking space? "Eton Mess" was suggested but this is the answer to another question in the quiz.
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I had a feeling that this one would be a horror. Any hints on the best way to start to tackle it.
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I'm having a bit of difficulty with my last entry 13d.. Great piece of art, ahead of the rest? The row gets complex. If the wordplay is ..The row gets anagram of "The row gets", then I...
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Could anybody explain to me why my searches never find any recent questions? Not even the ones I have posted myself. For instance, I just now searched on "inquisitor" (because that is the puzzle I'm...
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Can anybody solve this? "Harrow worse for wear" (8)
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What is AG? Arnos Grove? I've completed grid, and worked out instruction. I've highlighted (highlit???) three words- two on line three and one on line four. Also shaded six sets of initials relevant...
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Can anybody help me out with 11D? "Privileged minister accepted revolutionary hands-on therapy" (5). (the wordplay should throw up an extraneous letter S that is discarded) I have _O_EN I have solved...
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Can anybody tell me the Latin inscription that runs around the sundial? We saw glimpses of it in a film the other evening, but we can't put it together.
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I have completed the grid, but I'm not very happy with "COOTS" as the first word in 1dn which has to mean "mad men" - but I can't think of a better word given the crossing letters "CO-TS". Any...
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I'm wrestling with 35D: "Take top off? Mostly paunch that's not in a fit state." (5) The clue gives me UNCAP, but I need it to end with L. Can anybody see where I have gone wrong?
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I have completed almost all the answers (except 10A and 1D) but can find no trace of any hidden phrase, Could somebody please give me a hint?
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1A . Type of bone in need of dressing and drug. sp?e 25A. Drab shy dotty captivates Americans. hu?s The theme of this crossword is "operations"
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Has anybody unravelled the mystery of 14A? Presumably it gets the clue listed as 15A, but this clue has us completely stumped. For 14A we have the letters Y_NAS that don't appear to correspond to any...
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mad max
cant get this last one. 5d War hero contradicted earl going round cuba E?C?N (may be an acronym or two words) thanks in advance

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