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My dog is very afraid of swimming, I?ve been trying to take that fear from him by doing something I saw in a program: forcing him to jump into the pool with me and taking him to the stairs and out...
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Happy birthday mamma (((hugs))) 21 again? Have a wonderful day Mwaah
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neighbour just had a replacement hip my wife has been doing his shopping today she went next door with his shopping and fell broke her nose when she fell on her face other injuries neighbour is...
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I drove to work last week and right in my path to park was this hedgehog he never moved out of my way so I can see how easy it is to run them down. My question is he was walking round in a circle over...
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It reminds me of my school days, do you want to be in my gang? Is this a place of banter or factions?
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i heard ken dodd died ! then i thought kend dodd died did he ? and i thoutght did he die ? if he did he would be on the news so did i see him on the tv ? no i did nt see doddi on the tv leading me to...
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In A Pickle
I am just back from the hospital,having taken a large overdose of Lithium.I won't bore you with what caused it,just to say I was at the bottom of my dark place. After a while I panicked and called the...
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Hows it going out there? Getting on to the quiet time of the year bird wise with lots of skulking and moulting about to start. Was on the reserve on Saturday- a busy day. Small mammal trapping course...
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I thought I was late and that loads of you would be up - where is everyone? Monday again already but a sunny one at least. Have a great day
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Was born at 16:18 and weighed 7lbs 12 oz a very proud and tearful auntie
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Just taken Tigger to the vets and it looks like she has something stuck down her throat from last week. She is going to be anesthetised so that the vet can check down the back of her throat so I've...
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Does anyone know of any get salad box recipies? A place by where I work makes them with potatos, main filing and all the bits and bobs and they are lovely but they are so expensive that I wanted to...
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having a nice cup tea and share popcorn with my pup at moment, what you are up now?
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What would you miss most if you went to live or holiday abroad for a long period! I know we are supposed to do "When in Rome" I have just returned from a Cruise and although it was excellent I still...
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Hi everyone, I'm 21 and I'm looking for my biological father, who I haven't seen in 18 years. Can anyone help? I dont have access to a bank card so can't really look online unless it's free. I've...
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I know this should go in animals but I thought you lot would enjoy this. I get this little chap in 10 days and he needs a name! _photo/Kitten002.jpg...
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morning all you good folks--bensma where are you-apologies to hipyhoppy for my mis-spelling yesterday-have a quare day
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I am a gardener and have developed an allergy that is foxing the medical profession. My eyes swell up to the extent that I cannot see, my nose spreads to join my eyebrows and my whole face looks as if...
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Weekend again, not that I'm complaining. Hope everyone is well - and that those with these summer colds are feeling better! I'm off to work in a bit so have a good day everyone.

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