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1861 to 1880 of 1915

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had you ever forgot to clean your behind after doing poo poo???
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Thats the question???
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my D.O.B. is 7th july 1945 is this yours as well?
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Richard Madeley is furious that his daughter was mugged for her mobile, and rightly so, he said quote"Its totally unacceptable. It makes me so angry to think my little girl was attacked like that"...
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I have an old photograph of a van on which the telephone number 688-1032 is written..can anyone tell me in which part of the country this number related to..I would say the photo was taken about the...
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I am doing a pub quiz at work for Comic Relief and need a few good TV themed quiz questions. Does anyone have any good questions? Fairly easy or hard as I need a good mixture. These are what I have so...
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Queenbee spk
Im having chicken stir fry with sweet chilli sauce and prawn crackers. Maybe some Ice cream for pud. What you having?
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i have got a cream carpet in my sitting room and it has got a oil stain how can i get it out
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Why do we have to pay SO much to help poorly pets? My sister and I took my cat ollie to the vets yesterday, he had asthma, heart failure, fluid in the lungs, and various other problems. The bill to...
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I have a wart on my finger and even though I used Wartner that I got from the Chemist, 10 days later it has not gone. Should I go to the doctor's about it or does anyone else have any other...
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Hi, ive suffered with teeth grinding now for many many years, which result in terrible heaches nearly every morning and sometimes throughout the day too, it leaves me feeling depressed and tired, i...
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I was told last week i had a urine infection and was given antiboitics, however i have just noticed that i also have discharge, is this normal with a urine infection???
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Has anyone just watch 'Recovery' with David Tennant, I have a past experience of brain damage in the family, this programme was really spot on and the problems in this drama do actually exist, has...
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There are some weird and wonderful names on the Answerbank. If yours is an alias, what inspired you to use it?
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our grandaughters rabbit died yesterday,can we cook it and eat it,or will we be open to catching any disease
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hi all I was at work tonight and My 18 yr old daughters friend knocked down my front wall this eve whilst i was there - a mistake i know, but an annoying one, but I have just come in from work and...
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We had them and ending up selling our home of 15 years and losing 25,000 .REALLY bad time. Happy ending tho, bought an American motorhome out of proceeds and bin exploring Europe for last 4 years....
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Can anyone out there think of a really catchy or unusual name for a new sandwich shop? Looking for something different, away from the obvious, but still recognisable. As well as sandwiches, we will...
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Did anyone see the Weakest link this evening? Was Jonathon the same guy who was Bunny on Deal or no Deal a couple of weeks ago?
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am I the only person who does'nt like this group. I was subjected to the Brits at my daughters the other day and Oasis to me just make an almighty row. They also seem to be musically inept.

1861 to 1880 of 1915

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