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Seems to me that cloning is the in thing at the moment. If you are cloned does it mean you are famous or imfamous. The famous people who get cloned are legend knobby whiffey dot 3ightball. So my Q is...
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Went to this place today at Colne, very impressed but I have never seen so many clothes in one place before it was too big. I had money to spend but only bought one thing cause it would have taken me...
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I left work today at 3pm and got dragged into the pub by a friend. I stayed for about 2 hours and had 3 glasses of wine, now I am shattered and could easily go to bed. Why is it if you have any...
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Has anyone got any good products to brighten up the skin under the eyes. Mine are looking very tired and in want of some under eye skin tightening treatment.
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Number 9 has mysteriously lost itself, its here on my bit of paper on my desk but just vanished into thin air, where do you think it went.
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1. When was the last time you built a sandcastle 2. If you go for a paddle in the sea do you tuck your skirt in your knickers or roll your trousers up. 3. Has anyone ever lost anything on the beach ie...
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Does anyone on here really have a healthy diet, from what I see we all seem to live off rubbish.
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Last night mrpuss asked me if I wanted any film that he could download off tinternet so I said I would like to see Golden Compass, off he went and produced said film about an hour later. Meanwhile I...
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1. How many of your own teeth have you got. 2. When was the last time you went into a Macdonalds. 3. If you were given a chance would you go up in space. 4. Which national newspaper do you read, and...
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I have just watched the recent Rambo film it was very good but in this film there are many disturbing scenes, there are rapes, throats cut, bodies blown up into many pieces loads of guns, knives etc....
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dustypuss posted a Q at 19.32 hrs about Easter eggs and got 47 or so replies, nothing after that got very much attention does this go to show that the majority of folk on here like the very trivial...
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A woman came into the shop today where I work, she was talking on her phone whilst coming through the door, when I went up to serve her she just pointed at what she wanted whilst still yapping away....
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Is it just me or when you click on Breast hair does the Beauty section show above it.
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Did anyone else cry tonight or was it just me who found it very sad.
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Starting from the minute you got up this morning list everything you have eaten. Me....... 1 x banana 2 x crumpets with butter 1 x edam cheese slice with a couple of forkfulls of coleslaw 1 x pork...
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Has anyone been there, is it any good, is it worth the money. We are a family of 9 so would need a 4bed and a 6 bed cottage. For a weekend Fri to Mon it would cost about ?700 in September. I would...
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Following on from whiffeys Q about after death thingy, some people believe that we will be reincarnated some don't, but have you ever experienced deja vu, when perhaps you drive through some place and...
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If anyone is bored then would you like to watch Lucky. Its a bit jerky at the beginning but be patient.
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I have filled in an application form to get on this show one of the question was.....describe yourself in no more that 50 words. I found this very hard, so go on then can you describe yourself in 50...

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