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Ed, do you think it might be a good idea to remind users to treat all new comers with respect? Newbies are treated with suspicion and if it wasn't for the fact that Prendy was in the same room as me...
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like to be beaten by women in anything.?? Since Ive been playing a lot of scrabble online recently, Ive got quite good and my top score has really improved. My OH had a game opposite me online and...
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ever wanted to get involved and feel shovved out...... any times when you have felt frozen out...
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I'm already thinking about the tons of pancake I intend on scoffing. Nutella and bananas on mine, what do you have on yours?...
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Prendy's been zapped - it wasn't that bad (was it?).
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any one on this chat got problems chat to me see if i can help
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tell me your problems and i can help or add me on facebook my names richie prendiville if you wanted to chat in private
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up for Lent ? lol by the way, where is the Religion section on here ?
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In Sweden, I had a reindeer and mousse stew (can't remember the name for it please swedeheart) although I was abit unsure at first it tasted delicious! Have you ever eaten something unusual (...
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come on everyone tell me how your feeling i can be you chatterbank agony aunt
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Whitneys 'new friend'. Whats the agenda here, cult or pimp?
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So I'm thinking of stopping cutting, I used to swim competetively and I might start again. Could this possibly help me stop thinking about cutting? Please don't say anything bad, I'm trying to stop :)...
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Myself - I would back the Government's efforts to rescue any Brit abroad who was in trouble within reason (ie. we should never negotiate with terrorists). However, there are some who are saying...
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Hi, My pure bred arab horse has completely lost his frogs for the second winter running. To the point that his left with a lump of pink flesh in the middle of his frog. Does anyone know what could be...
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I love you xxx
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Waterloo road was interesting last night, and as always brought up loads of current issues, including sleeping with teachers. How often do you think this happens, and whose fault is it usually or does...
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http://www.dailymail....tml?ito=feeds-newsxml Would you be happy to sample ? Afterall we drink cows milk - dont we ? We digest human bodily fluids by for example, kissing dont we - tongues and all ?...
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Can someone PLEASE explain what in God's name is happening here: http://www.dailymail....remists-face-EDL.html I thought the accepted line was that Muslim extremists get away with saying and doing...
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So many Southeners support Man Utd and Leeds?
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Hi all Given that Chelsea recently paid £50M for Torres, how much do you think it would take to persuade Barca to release Messi?...

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