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for example some people on her call me fluff or fluffy Dot.hawkes = dotty pinkfizz =pink chinadoll = china etc etc you get my drift, in my real life (yes i have one) my name is often shortened to...
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the boring old f****s get our questions banned, should that be allowed, cos watch out i am gonna be queen of banning the crap
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any ideas on how to lower his sex drve
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A girl who used to work in the next office had the most beautiful enticing feet and ankles. She's dropped in for a quick visit and the whole time I was talking to her she kept sliding her gorgeous...
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My partner wants me to stay over at his house regularly, sometimes I can't do this because of other committments e.g. my 17 yr old daughter, just ordinary stuff like daily housework (I also work full...
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barbie jacey
hi! a couple or years ago a small blood shot appeared on my face, its still there! grrrr, i havent really minded it unteil now however ive just gained four more! I saw my doctor and he said its...
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Hiya I have also put this in parenting as wasn't sure where it should go. I am 5 momths pregnant and trying to come up with babies names. So far have a few for boys but no girls name. The problem is,...
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Just been diagnosed with Clinical Depression - got pills but what else can I do?
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I'm really tempted to go to one with my boyfriend...the curiosity is just too great! If any of you have been, what's it like? Any tips? Are they only for weirdos?! This is a serious question but I...
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Just wondering how many Abks got there own teeth?
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is it acceptable for a guy to take pictures of your body without telling you then showing them to his friends???cos i don't think so......
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Could any of you lovely people confirm (or disagree!) that skipping breakfast in order to lose weight is wrong.I always thought that breakfast kick-started your metabolism in the mornings,and that if...
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What's happened to all the established, renowned and regular AB contributors? Have you all left, changed your names or are you just 'lurking'?
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Is there such a thing as phone phobia? I work in a busy office, but if I have to answer the phone, or ring a customer, I stammer and get flustered. Am beginning to think I have a phobia about it. Any...
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I have had a bad neck since i was 15, back then my gp told me it was general wear and tear i had physio, acupuncture many types of medications anti inflamitories etc, but in the end grew to just live...
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hey everybody. i've just stumbled across this site while looking for the answer to a quiz question for my sis abroad. found the answer so thats all well and good, but then had a wander around the...
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why exactly do men have nipples?
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Hi folks I'm going speed dating tonite and I'm sh***ing myself! Does anyone have any SENSIBLE advice as to what I could ask or say to enhance my chances pls? T.I.A.
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Hello. I asked out this girl. She was busy, so I asked again a bit later, she was busy again, so I just said if she fancied going out then give me a shout. Nothing has happened so far, although she is...

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