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You're very happy with your life Doc Spock =]
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Does anyone have the number of a good escort in Edinburgh?
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bored fed up with stupid stubborn women. annoyed raging old men. and the lack of fun on here tonight. im off to bed . this is sh1t
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hi, im new here, just wanted to know something, its better asking this question to u people who dont know me so ul be honest. im 22 yrs old and iv 3 kids, aged, 5, 3, and 2. im still with their dad...
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Do you find this offensive, or is it polotical correctness overkill? Personally, I found it quite amusing, but I can imagine it causing offence to someone who has had a loved one murdered....
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Hi all, I need to pick you brains ? there's an opportunity come up at work for a few of us to go out to India for 2wks in October to introduce new processes and deliver a training program/provide...
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When your relationship has finished (mine did in March) and you are getting over all the heartbreak and everything else. Why is it, you still remember all the good times, and never the bad?
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is anyone else getting bored by the silly claire/ ashley/ casey storyline?
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I stayed up till the wee hours last night (this early AM)) but couldn't see anything :-( I live in Kent and as told to look towards the North...maybe I was looking in the wrong place as today i hear i...
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so the portugese police say that they may now beliveve that the little girl may now be dead.if they had handled the case better in the first place maybe she wouldnt.or if the parents had not left her...
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Reading yr reply to miffy63 secrets post. You posted a mind clearing link. I tried it, but it kept stuttering. Can you post it in another format (sorry not good with pc lang) As would be interested to...
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do pou ever feel like folk expect too much from you and smother you? just wont let you get on with things? why do people pressurise others and insist on them doing the 2right thing". why cant they let...
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What do men want out of a relationship? Tried marriage, tried long-term, tried weekend relarionships but none of these fit, is this my fault for having high expectations or being a psycho woman, just...
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talkin to a guy in a bar here in the reef. hes telling me about his mrs and why theyre divorced etc etc. he says something to me that puzzled me. he said " i was with my wife for years and things...
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Has anyone seen Premonition with Sandra Bullock. If so, was it any good
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For me anyway! A few months ago I posted a question entitled "Is adultery forgiveable?" elationships-and-Dating/Question418439-2.html I had some...
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Many times I have heard girls say they look for a sense of humour in a fella more than anything. Is this true? If it is, imagine im standing in a pub with Brad Pitt (fit but YAWN) and also with me and...

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