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anyone know when the next series of spooks is? Thanks
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if  you could afford to go anywhere on a holiday where would you go , what would you do  ( i sound like a hairdresser ......sorry hairdressers no offence:)
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Has anyone been to Clearwater.  Have been to Orlando but going to Clearwater in October.  Any tips.
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I'm starving, and im sat here torturing myself with the Q that if i could eat anything in the world i fancied now, it would be a KFC.....what does everyone else fancy eating?
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Has anyone got any information on a play written by Willy Russell called Bloodbrothers? Its set in Liverpool about twins seperated at birth and they die at the end. I need to do some research on it...
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What is your favourite type of music.  Has it changed over the years.  Favourite singer, band?
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Anybody doing anything nice this evening.
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Sgt. Pepper is always listed as one of the most famous albums of all time, but what other ones are there? Really immense, incredible, famous albums..!?
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rite it was on in the early ninties but i dont no weather it was made in the eighties. It has 3 girls in it who each have their own stones, which give them power,  they were, heartstone,...
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i have time to be here cos im a full time carer at home, looking after other half..are other ABers at home or sneakily  skivving at work.
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Where are you? Wo bist du? D?nde est?n usted? O? vous sont? Dove la sono?   I am just curious about what parts of the world you AB'ers are from...I stubbled across this site from the U.S.,...
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Hi, i've got too young house cats (6 months ish) who are sisters and up until yesterday they've been very good friends. However, yesterday evening one of them fell from the window of my flat (she's...
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Is it just me, or does everyone find this website strangely addictive. I'm not a computer person AT ALL, but I can't seem to drag myself away from this site. Any other websites you're 'addicted' to?
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All I remember about this ad, is the boy telling his Scallie mate that Ian Rush told him that if he don't drink milk, he'll only be good enough to play for Acccccccccrington Ssssssssstanley. (Ooo ar...
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where is everybody going on their summer holidays?
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Just curious to know how you found this site, how often you use it etc. When did you join and how many Q's and A's have you posted - any banned? I joined on the 6th and have posted 27 questions and 66...
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Does anyone have a hangover cure? pls my head is screaming!
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Go on...tell us, we don't know who you are!
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what was Alistair Sims sebut film?
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Would it be against the whole AB culture to meet anyone for a coffee? I think I know the answer to that question.

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