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Old_Geezer I'm assuming it is a thread corruption since more than one person has experienced missing posts, and I'm experiencing it for the second tome...
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I suspect I'm not going to find a solution but in case someone knows of an answer: I have a few panels in my fence that need replacing. Plus I'm in the process of, when I need to replace a panel,...
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Not for the first time. At present accessing this site on the PC gives a front page full of 2013 dated threads. Trying to do anything useful fails back to the 2013 front page. Mobile via WiFi is...
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Here's something weird. Wondering if it is a cache issue or similar and how to fix it. In a nutshell I use my usual Firefox browser here and all I get is apparently signed in as no name (indicated by...
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My woman wished to get her laptop vision/sound to come for the TV. I checked out what there was on the Net and advised I'd found cables that would convert her VGA and earphone socket to HDMI, and also...
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My Philips CRT monitor decided to go rather dim, and I was straining to read off of it, so I though, "Hang the cost", and purchased a new monitor. The Eizo FS2434-BK has just been delivered and I've...
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When I had Win7 I seemed to find it easier to spot a log I was looking for. (Not that I ever knew much what to do with them but at least I had an insight.) It just seems there are so many different...
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Getting 'Send' issues. This has just occurred after a period of working as well as it did in Windows 7. It may not be Windows 10 related but that is my suspicion. I don't think this is a single...
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Was considering my PC to be getting too slow so I did the usual things and even closed all the browser windows (I tend to leave a load open as I constantly return to the same ones.) But there was...
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Expecting to draw a blank here but ... Some decades ago on my one trip to the States, where I saw a seller flogging a holographic novelty. CD sized holographic disks that were placed on a small...
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To be as brief as possible, I need to attempt to restore a checkpoint to reverse driver updates that seem to be the cause of problems. PC made some ludicrous excuse if not being able to as it had no...
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Ok hoping we have some electronic savvy musicians or music savvy engineers around. I bought a condenser microphone from the Net; XLR plug, apparently. Opted not to get a USB one as that seemed less...
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Thought I'd pass this information on. Maybe everyone else already knows, maybe they don't care, but : Over the Xmas break I had a need to visit a bank to both pay a bill, and pay in a few cheques too....
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Returning to my own PC. Some may be aware that I upversioned to Windows 10 somewhat earlier than I wished to, in a vain attempt to cure an issue. I'm presently checking out the settings and seeing so...
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Was asked to ensure my woman's rarely used laptop was up to date yesterday. As it happened it seemed to take forever and a day just trying to check (!), but that aside; it eventually finished the...
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This is related to questions I have posted previously. I'm getting a game freeze/crash on a regular basis. On checking the logs I find this nvlddmkm seems at the root of it, or near to it. Have been...
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Been meaning to think about a DIY problem I have all week, but here it is the weekend and realise I've not done so and still a little unsure the best way to tackle it. The background is that a fair...
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When I was employed I used to keep updated, a personal spreadsheet using the company's Office suite. At one time the Excel I bought for home was identical to that used at work, but as the years went...
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The above nonsense is regularly being flashed on my TV screen by the dion freeview box. Has been doing for a few days. The Net tells me that it is about local channel numbers. Rescanning has no...
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How do I ensure my Win7 boots into Safe Mode (preferably from the off state). And why do websites apparently think it hilarious to suggest F8 when they must know that just brings up a list of devices...

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