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i have ran out of tea...ohhhhhhhhh and i really want a galaxy (the chocolate bar) to dip into a cuppa um that was just the sound of me thinking about tea i wasn't nominating you...
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so what are your simple pleasures in life.......... nothing too explict please, well just a bit cheeky...... i like, to sit im me garage listen to the radio and have a smoke...............out of...
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To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent. happy saturday to you all while my fella went out today i thought (never...
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How much can your weight vary depending on the time of say? a pound? several pounds? When is the best time of day to weight yourself to be most accurate? Thanks
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i feel so bored . everything i do goes wrong so i give up on it . i feel as im bored with my life but dont know what 2 do about it , had a really bad year last year so think its all got 2 much 2 cope...
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I've got an envelope in my offering box that says Crib Offering, can anyone tell me what it is. Ta Rocky
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do you all have each others msn addresses?
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1) Drink pints 2) Be drunk in public 3) Pretend to be hard 4) Try to dominate men 5) Eat in public (except restaurants) 6) Never say the f or c word 7) Smoke anything (ummmmmmm, you have disappointed...
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Whilst cleaning out a cupboard in my Sons room today I came across and old envelope filled with bits and pieces I had kept from my young teenage years. Included in these were several love letters from...
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I am suggesting we have a sub section whereby people can leave a contact IM - posting details only and with no answers. Like (for example) Ummmmm is blah-blah@ blah de blah; zimzam is...
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am i alone?? am i the only person that doesnt go out on fri night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ho hum right no more tea for me or i will be needing to wee till 3 you see ive got a bad knee and i lost my key...
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Who has had one of 'those' moments? Last year I was sitting chatting with my six year old daughter, when she suddenly said 'Dad, what's a penis?' I did a reasonable job of not looking like a...
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notfrom-oz's link had one hundred and twenty something posts. made me wonder if anyone knows which question has recieved the most posts.
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Evening everybody, just wondering if anything has ever happened that changed your life forever, either good or bad. Has anybodys life ever changed dramatically in a year? Such as meeting somebody, new...
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I have a monobrow. What is the most pernament, cheapest and easiest way of getting rid of it?
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why are gibbons mad?
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"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." i didnt then i started thinking and then i thought oh no now i'll become, so i tryed to stop...
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Do i have the personality and could a bag such a guy if i had a Vicars frock on?
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i was asked today but a more intelligant 4yr old, what super hero i'd like to be............ i though i'd like to be superman, x-ray vision, just think of the fun or the silver but...
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Is she a ladyboy???? Just the of Us 2night!!!!! bizzare

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