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I would like to take myself and my partner and two children to Scotland in the winter of 2007/08. By then one child will be 1 year 8 months and one will be 3 years and 4 months. We are looking to go...
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hi, i dont know if this is the right place to be asking but anyone who knows a bit about hair colour or maybe even some hairdressors out there could maybe help me. I am natural blonde and have some...
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I have noticed a small lump on my ear lobe, but its not actually on the 'pierce hole' its to the side .. Could it be a cyst ? has anyone had this ? Its slightly tender
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Today I went to london and saw 3 people wearing abercrombie and fitch tops. I thaught you could only buy this great brand in the states??! If anoyone knows where I can get abercrombie in England...
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Do the sand coloured ones or chestnut coloured ones look better?
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I missed the start why was Nadine not there?
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Hello, we are travelling to Argentina next year to watch football at the River Plate and I wondered if anyone knew of a 4/5 * hotel near the ground and any tips on Argentina in general. Many thanks.
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dont think this is really the rite topic area, but anyways, does anybody know where Steve Irwin and his wife got the name Bindi from for their daughter?
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Is there a proper way to dispose of a real christmas tree? Or can I just whack it in the wheelie bin with everything else...
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Does anyone know where online I could buy one of the new wonderbras that can alledgedly be converted 100 different ways?
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can anyone tell me how long it take to fly from edinburgh to barbados.thank you in advance
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I'm a sucker for great beaches....where in your opinion is the best one you have visited? Mine is a toss-up between Whitehaven Beach in the Whitsunday Islands, Australia (deserted island, softest sand...
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can you assist me on how i can get to america.
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Is it normal for a dog to eat his own droppings ?
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Hi there, trying to buy my old dad a christmas present and after hours of thought (honestly...) have decided on a subscription to a golf magazine. Does anybody read either 'Todays Golfer' or 'Golf...
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Henrik to Man U...Good move or bad? Personally think it's a brilliant short term fix from SAF. The man is pure class on and off the field. Old Trafford.... where ex-Celts go to take it easy for one...
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I need to stop using limewire for obvious reasons but how good is all of mp3 site. legal or not legal? Also does it work well ?
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i'm making a "mix tape" cd for my girlfriend and she's a film buff so i'd like to do all songs from films, but i can only think of three. anyone got any ideas?
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I've heard very good things about these berries. I first read about them in the paper but unfortunately everywhere i've asked so far dont seem to sell them.(Sainsburys, Tesco etc.) Does anybody have...
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hey wondering if any body can name a song for me i need artist and song title so its going to be difficult. I Can tell you its a Rock/indie song was a single in the last 12months i think, heard it on...

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