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A little on the early side I know, however - Good morning one and all and welcome to a new month and a new KM Links Game. Our modest King Aquagility has warned us he is going AWOL, walkabout, and...
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For the early risers - Good morning to you and would you like to post the four words here so's not to double up We await with bated breath to see what Kate serves up for us and also for the final...
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Here we are, at the business end of yet another month and this is where crunch time occurs !!! Will the reigning king continue in that position or will another sweep him aside in a blaze of glory and...
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Well this is my last week as setter and I face it with mixed feelings. We started with the Bard and "Darling Buds of May" and now I know what the Bard meant when he wrote "Good night. Parting is such...
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The Dawn Chorus is having to compete with the snores there in the shrubbery, but it's time to rouse yourselves and put your brains into gear. This weeks link words are: DOWN MAPLE SOLAR RARE. Have...
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What a relief it is to actually be able to type that heading in and sorry, anybody who was unable to post their entries due to AB going AWOL - ooo it didn't 'alf make me feel funny !!! No AB - don't...
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Hullo !! who changed the wall paper ?? everything looks rather strange !!! however I think I'm in the right spot to post the link for this weekend's competition. I notice the 'shrubbery sirens' are at...
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It's just me with Mondayitis again, prowling around the shrubbery waiting........who is my knight in shining jarmies this morning ????
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I thought the idea of this Links Game was to get as many points as possible (not stop when you have TWO points)! Did I make it too hard for you? Did some of you rush in without pausing for thought?...
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Posting a little early this weekend as I'll be out most of the day but hopefully back in time to see the start of proceedings though just having read the Crofter Hot Line have no idea what time that...
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Goodness, doesn't time fly !! We're into May already and by now quite a few have a very good handle on the way Kate thinks, but she has thrown us the odd curve-ball - Pork Barrel, last week was just...
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Did you spot the "quote" from the sonnet "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day"? The third line is "Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May" This leads to the title: "DARLING BUDS OF MAY" I...
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The final weekend of competition for April rolls around and at this stage there are two ABers neck and neck, on 8 points, in the lead. Aquagility & paulineward both have a handy lead over cliffyg &...
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Welcome to you all on Week 4. This is cliffyg This will be the end of my run. Only two entrants have scored in all three of my previous rounds ( Shazz & Grenmus ). Who will wrestle the crown from my...
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Right, no messing about, straight to the point, etc. Last week 'the scorer' who shall remain nameless, made a right dogs breakfast of paulineward's results and tried to rob her of hard won points [not...
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Welcome to you all on Week 3. This is cliffyg continuing to take over the "reigns" of wicked tongue and rogerr I am again reliably informed by crofter that the Shrubbery Squad gives new meaning to the...
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If all the whizz-kids who play the MM Links Game are still around perhaps you could help me.The section is Famous Golfers.The clue "water-bus" I know there is a golfer GONZALES but any better...
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Here she comes - on tip toe in her size 10 wellies [ I wish !!] trying not to wake the dreamers after their all night revelling. Be surprised if too many of you haul yourselves out after last night's...
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Welcome to you all on Week 2. This is cliffyg continuing to take over the "reigns" of wicked tongue and rogerr I am again reliably informed by crofter that I was the one who was amBUSHed and...
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Welcome to you all on Week 1. This is cliffyg ready to take over the "reigns" of wicked tongue and rogerr I am reliably informed by crofter that the Marmite Squad is standing by BUSHed by lack of...

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