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Good morning everyone - ooh, it’s going to be quite a warm one here today, talking about 35d in the city …glad I’m not going anywhere :)) but luckily it won’t last, back to something civilised...
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Good morning everyone - and it’s a beautiful day here….the sun is shining, no wind at all and we have a few more of these to look forward to …..maximums in the 28d area I can handle !! New month, new...
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Good morning everyone - the day is fining up, could be a few nice ones to enjoy this week, it’ll probably go pear shaped after that but we’ll make the most of it !! Very slim pickings on the links...
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Good morning everyone - well after a couple of beautiful days of sunshine, it’s taken a header back to the gloomy and wet stuff again, though we have been promised several warm days next week …..could...
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Good morning everyone - bit cool and windy today, and after thunderstorms at 3.00am I’ve lost a bit of sleep so things are a bit hazy …..anyway I thought I’d better post before I drop off for a nap !!...
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Good morning everyone - after a very wild weekend weather wise I’m happy to still have both power and my roof and most of my trees !! People will be without power until tomorrow in some places …. Not...
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Good morning everyone - definitely not the best here, very noisy in fact ….I’ve had a thunderstorm sitting on top of my house for nearly and hour and my aged Kelpie Missy does not like it at all !!...
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Good morning everyone - the sun is shining, the wind has gone elsewhere (thank goodness) and once I’m sorted, I’ll be out in the garden !! Of course with the rain we’ve had, plus some days of...
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Good morning everyone - it’s not looking too bad here today, after some real downpours and two days of very strong winds ….honestly, if this is Spring then it’s gone of the rails somewhere!! At least...
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Good morning everyone - a bit of a delay posting this, nothing major …..hope no one has been inconvenienced……weather doesn’t look too bad, though I believe we’re in for more of the wet stuff !!...
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Good morning everyone - not too bad a day here, maybe we’ll see some sunshine, at least we’re not under water which is a bonus !! I feel there will be any number of possibles to go with the links this...
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Good morning everyone - nice looking day here, sun shining, light breeze ….definitely an improvement, particularly on Tuesday, when it steadily teemed then blew a gale and stripped lots of the...
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Good morning everyone - the sunny days are here for a short spell, very nice for a long weekend and an extra day to recover from the clocks going forward….but then, just in time for the school...
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Good morning everyone - sun is shining brightly but still quite a chill in the air ….I’m planning on getting out into the garden later, before the inevitable rain comes back down the track. Here are...
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Good morning everyone - that wretched wind is back with a vengeance so outdoors is not an option, even though the sun is shining …..if yesterday is anything to go by, that won’t last. Grumble, grumble...
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Good morning everyone - the rain has cleared for a while which is nice - I can get outside and see what’s been washed away…a few calm sunny days would be a real treat !! Now for the links- LIFE PART...
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Good morning everyone - just setting this up in the hope that someone will post todays links when they become available….so far, I’m not able to access todays puzzle from the Telegraph so we must just...
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Good morning everyone - a rather dreary start here ….it’s overcast and they promised sunshine and those clowns who supposedly delivery my paper have either hidden it somewhere or just haven’t bothered...
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Good morning everyone - not too bad a morning, sun is shining and so far….no wind !! Fantastic !! I might manage some time outside with the weeds if it stays like this :) Now for the links …..lots to...
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Good morning everyone - not too bad a morning, sun is shining, but rather cool and not sure how long the sun will last …more rain is forecast so could be a good one to stay inside !! Now for the...

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