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Does anybody know any on line/ phone order adult toy shops that do any half decent dolls here in the UK? I cant search at work but would really appreciate it if anyone knows anything or give me a few...
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How should this feel? Should it be so bad that I cant leave the bathroom, or would it just be queasiness that can be easily dealt with? Also, when should it start? I understand that not everyone will...
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I fell off a ladder beginning of april and went straight through a tv cabinet. Ended up going to a&e with a very swollen ankle not being able to stand on it at all. After having x-rays i was told...
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We have given both our children the best education we could afford. Our son went to the best Prep School in our area and got into one of the best fee paying schools also. He had ability but didn't...
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Brief details was with my ex for 10years on and off. The relationship was very violent and he was charged twice with assaulting me. Anyways we have been in and out of court since 2007 in regards to...
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Just learnt my daughter has been rushed to hospital and has lost her baby terrible news and hard to come to terms with have not been through this before any help would be most welcome
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I would like to know if anyone knows if it is possible to serve an injunction on someone whilst they are remanded in prison. Trial is in 4 weeks and the person could be released but I would like...
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Hi folks,will make this as short as possible,as its a helluva long complicated story..My ex and i have been split up for 5 years now,we was never married,it was and obviously in her eyes an extremely...
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hi posted on here before my ex was charged with 3 assaults and 2 criminal damage he pleade not guilty and it went to trial in magistrates he made me go through with evidence and the district judfge...
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My two year old has had a tummy bug since Tuesday and hasn't kept anything down, including liquids. He has not had a wet nappy today - even when he got up this morning he was bone dry. MHD Direct say...
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been in a domestic violence relashionship i was with ex for 7 months he was charged with 3 assaults and 2 criminal damage by cps and on bail the trial in a dv court ha has plead not guilty to it all...
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hi i was just wondering if i could change my sons name if i married my current partner so that we all have the same surname. I divorced my sons father 4 years ago and we havent seen him for 8 years,...
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hi i was in a domesic violence relationship for 7 mths , me ex boyfriend was charged with 3 assaults and 2 criminal damage,and has pleaded not guilty before i met my ex i was having cognegative...
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Im only 7 weeks pregnant but Im currently suffering with (most probably unrelated) back pain. Its a muscle pain, very painful, and Im finding it difficult to sleep. Ive tried heat packs and a hot...
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When you want a landline from BT, do you need to provide identification to verify who you are before one is installed???? Im asking as have discovered a family member took out a Bt phone line in my...
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i have a 9 month old daughter since she has been born my ex parner has stopped me seeing her as a result i took her to court and we agreed to a contact order by consent. now she has stopped me from...
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My ex left me in september 2007, on the claims for domestic violence, we went through the courts regarding contact for my child, since then I have been skint from paying of the solicitors and other...
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Hi, if you gave your 11 month old, 4 months out of date SMA powdered soya milk would it make then vomit? Thank you
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my husband had kicked me out and we have been separated for over nine weeks now and we have a little one and he is only 10 weeks. my problem is that my husband hasnt seen him for nine weeks not that i...
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Hi, where is the best place for my daughter to buy her 2 yr old daughter trainer pants, and what price are we looking at as she cant afford much being on benefits. Thank you,.PS ive looked on e-bay,...

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