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Liza B

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I lost my wife suddenly almost 5 years ago we were not married long she had bought an dyson cleaner from a major mail order company who I shall not name she had only made one payment on it whan she...
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Right now my daughter is 7months old and will be a year old in may. My husband is in the navy and we are discussing timing and when would be the best time for us to have another. The dilima is that I...
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how much rent should a 19 yr old pay his parents ? he eats at home and has his laundry done ,his take home pay is ?700 a month
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Hi just wondered if you maybe have similar dilema's at the moment? My daughter is 14, and i have NO clue what to get her for xmas, (without sounding like shes got EVERYTHING) she has ipod, mobile...
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I am currently driving a yellow courtesy car and whilst driving through the town I am constantly being shouted at by kids screaming "Yellow Car, Yellow Car!". Can some parent enlighten me as what this...
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It's a cheesy poem which is basically an ode to being a mother rather than a housewife. It has lines in it about the toys all over the floor/ sticky fingerprints etc etc but not caring because she'd...
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Liza B
I am going on holiday next month and my period will start on the second day, I am not on the pill does anyone know if there is a way to stop it for a week. I would have been fine but I was a week late...
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My daughter is nearly 13 and I am really struggling to adapy to her change of character and the different role I now play in her life. I have days where I continually cry and feel genuinally not...
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Liza B
Hi everyone I am quite new to travelling abroad, we have booked a holiday and I gave the name I am know as Liza which I never thought twice about when we booked, but after watching Airline on tv I was...
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I'm going to portugal for 2 weeks on saturday and have travel insurance. I have since found out that the E111 is no longer valid and you need to get an EHIC, which takes 21days to come through.. If I...
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Does anyone here have any experience of the CSA bullying them into unwanted DNA tests? I had a letter last week, OFFERING a DNA test to determine the paternity of my child and it stated that IF I...
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We are taking our 16 yr old son and his friend also 16 on holiday to Greece this year. They want to go off and do their own thing and as its our first holiday together since we've been together my...
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I desperately want to stay working but I can't find a child minder that takes children over 11 yrs. I have one of 15 and one of 13. Where are they supposed to go??
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I'm hoping to get away mid August for a break abroad with my children 16, 14, 3 and 2. Anyone recommend somewhere suitable?
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i recently found out my 15 year old school has been bunking school for weeks to be with his girlfrien. when i found out i tried to ground him but he just walked out and stayed at his girlfriends,i...
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Liza B
Hi I stared a new job last week, I have not worked for 8 years. I handed in my P45 and we all got paid, myself and another woman got ?40 less than others, is this because we are the only ones who are...
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Hoping for some advice from all you parents! A friend of mine is due to give birth on the 1st July. I'd like to buy her a gift before the birth, and once the baby's born (her first!) I'll buy...
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Hammer Head
My two children were born just 378 days apart. That's 53 weeks and 6 days. Can anyone beat this?
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mum to be
Hi im an aussie mum who is just trying to find out what most mums do on mothers day, My husband thinks mothers day is more about your own mum and celebrating with other mums. His mum each year...
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I have 3 children ( 14, 5 & 3 ) When all together I sometimes can find them a bit hard going. I think some of its the age difference but the 5 & 3 year olds are beginning to argue, fight and...

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