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Athlete or Snow Patrol??
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Does anyone know what hte emergency number is in France? I'm moving there for six months in December. Is it 999? Thanks.
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it was a song that was made in the late70's or 80's all i know is that it had four big song's it but only part's and one of them was (suger suger) can you help thank's
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What European city is cheap for eating, drinking etc?
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I'm going to Calais on a shopping trip can I use my credit card o.k over there or am I better to take Euros thanks
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Does anyone know how you might begin a career as a snooker referee? I love snooker and don't miss a match when it's on tv. But, even though im not the worlds best player, I would still like to be...
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I recently found a small hedgehog running across the road. I picked it up and put it in my garden so it wouldn't get runover. I leave plenty of water and cat food out, I even made it a house! Is there...
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Would anyone else like to garotte Tim Westwood. Is it me or does he sound like Prince Charles doing an impression of a chav? Seriously, he's about as cool as an alunimium smelter. How does he have so...
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does anyone know where I can get the ring tone "the laughing policems" for my samsung. I found it once on the net but did nothing about it
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Upon opening a new packet (sealed) of dry lasagne sheets I noticed there was a tiny bug (like a small beetle) crawling over one of them. I have had this before with lasagne sheets and was wondering...
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How do I get my clothes to still smell freshly washed ? When i hang my washing out indoors on clothes horses etc, they get a good airing and once dry they get folded up and put away or hung in my...

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