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anyone is worrying about my patio......they have now exchanged the slabs and bricks they delivered weeks ago for the slabs and bricks I ordered..... after a feeble attempt to convince me that the mish...
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He is now in bed. We only have one computer so we have to share. Sign in, Sign out etc. also we are not wifi. Is it allowed to have two windows open on here, as in one each. If anyone is interested, I...
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He was up today and read all the good will messages. He asked me to thank you all for your kindness. He hopes to be back on here to thank you all personally before the weekend. At present he is...
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I have a light fitting with three bayonet type bulbs. One bulb has gone. When I try to get the bulb out it won't budge. The whole fitment moves. The shade cannot come off until the bulb is removed. I...
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I understand the arguments for and against keeping eggs in the fridge or at room temperature. However, most of the time I now keep my eggs in the kitchen. I've noticed lately that I'm having...
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Jeza, how's micmak now?
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My black neighbour told me this - laughing uproariously!! He assures me it is not racist!! A twin-engine passenger plane has an engine failure and the altitude and speed are decreasing rapidly. The...
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My OH and I have been having issues lately, and each time we fall out, he ignores me and I go crawling back. Sometimes, during silent treatment, I've waited out for his to get in touch with me, but he...
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Two NATO soldiers in Helmand Province have been killed by gunmen dressed in Afghan police uniforms. When will it end . . .?...
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Is there more than one? Or was a helicopter hovering about with it somewhere halfway between Manchester and Sunderland?...
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It's my first day today on the E Lite cigarettes, and after the football results I'm not doing too well (feeling decidedly grumpy)................give me some incentive to keep trying!!
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Went to the supermarket today for fresh stuff. I wanted a tenderheart cabbage They were well cut about with no outside leaves. In my opinion cut off because they were yellowing. I asked the girl if...
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In today's society it's so easy to get stressed out by the feckless and the clueless, the sick, the lame, and the lazy. Everywhere I turn I see the products of a generation of failure. At work, on the...
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What makes you cross? Displaing the Union Flag upside down is my current soap box, even worse is the merchandise on sale with the flag the wrong way. Gripe over!...
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Do you iron yours?
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Mic told me this morning what you did last night. I would have thanked you sooner. We have been at the hospital most of the day getting Mic his treatment. He is now in bed feeling a bit yuk. Hopefully...
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Jeza has tried to get an Av. No luck as yet. I've looked at every thing she's done and can't see any problems. Any ideas anyone? Email on AB and gravatar the same. Ticked G rated. Gone to profile and...
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When I talk to people with nice accents, I sometimes wish I sounded like ... (blushes) ... Joanna Page. I think she has the loveliest voice. Would you like a different accent? or an accent at all?...

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