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Alcohol Is Bad For Legs.............................................................. A man goes into a cocktail lounge and approaches a sexy blonde sitting by herself at the bar. He asks her, "May I...
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FIVE POUNDS OF FAT ..................................................................................... Q: How do you make five pounds of fat look good to a man? A: Put a nipple on it....
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One day a man walks up to a beautiful woman working in a library. “I’ll bet you three hundred quid that by this time tomorrow your nipples will be gone” The woman is completely shocked and...
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Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is a husband..... My wife and I always compromise; I admit I'm wrong and she agrees with me...... It doesn't matter how...
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An elderly married couple scheduled their medical examination on the same day so that they could answer any questions the doctor might have concerning their partner. After the husband's exam, the...
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Three women are in a sports club dressing room dressing to play Tennis. Suddenly, a bloke runs through the room wearing nothing but a brown paper bag over his head and passes the three women. He...
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A couple of Fella's had a dad who was turning 80. He'd been a widower for 15 years, so the sons chip in to buy their old dad a prostitute for the night as a surprise. She turns up at the Dad's door...
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There's this bloke with a really huge 'John Thomas', and everytime he goes to pee, no matter how much he shakes and squeezes, the last few drops wont come out until he has zipped up, so he goes to a...
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Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http:// Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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An elderly couple decided to celebrate their 50th anniversary in the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon. Before the act, he excused himself and went to the loo and after a while came out...
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Little Johnny is walking by his parents bedroom when he hears alot of noise. He opens the door and sees his dad with his mum bent over the dressing table having sex. Dad looks at Little Johnny and...
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A 5-year-old boy went to visit his grandmother one day. While playing with his toys in her bedroom while his Nan was dusting, he looked up and said, "Nanny, how come you don't have a boyfriend?"...
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After Brian proposed to Jill, his father took him to one side. “Son, when I first got married to your mother, the first thing I did when we got home was take off my trousers. I gave them to your...
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A child asked his father, "How were people born?" So his father said, "Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on." The child then went to his mother, asked...
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A man says to a trainer at the gym. “I want to impress that beautiful girl. Which machine should I use?” The trainer replies “use the ATM outside the gym”...
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One day, a farmer walked into a pub and asked the barman for the strongest thing in the pub. "What's wrong, fella?" asked the barman. ''Some things you just can't explain." said the farmer, ''Try...
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The BBC News channel just displayed images of the three women who claimed that Jimmy Savile interfered with them sexually. They showed a current picture of each of the women and a picture taken of...
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I've lost my Favourites tool bar, how do I get it back I do miss it. Can anyone help? Please. jem....
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Add 25 years of marriage After 25 years of marriage, I took a look at my wife one day and said: Sweetheart, 25 years ago, we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a...
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Following on from a Marval Post...... Someone asked me once "If you your husband and your child were in a river and they were drowning which would you save, your husband because you chose him?..... or...

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