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i am trying to cancel my contract with 3 pay mobiles - but they tell me that the fee for this is the monthly contract fee until the end of the contract - surely this is not cancelling - why would i...
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has anyone been on this drug - im starting it but weary about what its going to be like - any comments pls
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does anyone know where i can get a job in slough - i will do anything - i dont need a work permit and am very enthusiastic to work in a store of packing shelves etc - anyone outhere know of...
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does anyone know where i can get one from - i live in slough and just cant get one at alll?????????????
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i have moved into a flat fully of **** roaches - someone please help me and tell me what to do to get rid of these horrible things.............thnks
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I have just moved into a flat with a combi boiler - and i havent a clue how this works as far as it comes to my heating bills etc - is this more expensive to have hot water all the time - do i need to...
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where do they come from - how do i get rid of them - help anyone please???
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please tell me anything you know about these and how to get rid of them - PLEASE
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can anyone help- what do i do - where do they come from - i have just found out that the new flat i am moving into has these horrible things - can someone give me some advise pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese... im...
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does your employment tax get lower if you are marreid - or does it make no difference - and the goes for council tax too - im clueless on this and would like some help
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does anyoneknow where i can hire a sun bed from - i live in slough and i cant find anywhere at all??? help please
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does anyone know where i can rent a sunbed from - i live in slough - but i cant find anywhere - please help me as im need a tan for my hols
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can someone let me know which is the best one to use - i cant get on that doesnt make me look orange - or blotchy - help
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hi - do you know if tatooist's wuill put one over a scar - i dont know the correct word for my scar - it raises up of the skin - not allot but its there and i know it!!! i would love to cover it...
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can anyone give me some ideas how to cover a scar i have on the top of my arm (sort of in the area where an armband would go around - i am really stuck - it is about the size of a pen lid across the...
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does anyone know of anywhere in slough where i can get nice clothes for the bigger size lady...evething is all tiny - and i need a nice bikini/swimsuit for my hols--any help
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is there car boots in slough area - i have been to the one in taplow - but its always closed on a sunday - is there any others - i love a second hand bargain.....
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hi, can anyoine tell me where i can hire /buy a sunbed in slough area please - im gettting desperate now - im going on hols soon and cant find anywhere - even if anyone is selling one i would love to...
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does anyone travel from slough high st to slough industrial estate - i travel everyday on the bus and would love to get a lift of some kind person = i will share all costs - dont worry i am a normal...
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hi, i am visitng my boyfriends parents in newcastle - its suposed to be a small place called consett........can anyone tell me what its like and what we can do there - i am thre a lot...

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