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Insane Wally

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Ok, I'm a long way off this,only being 18 and all, but i read in a book that it's common for women to...uh...poo when they're giving birth. i guess its with all the pushing. Now, no one has *ever*...
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need the title of film with ben affleck in - can only remember one scene where he's walking away from a load of dead vietnamese bodies all piled up! on top of one another. Hel[
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Any one know who sang this tune? Its quite recent and i think i heard it off a film....................... might not be the exact words but i think they are close!
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Who originally wrote it. It wasn't Soft Cell. It was released in the 60.
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I have experienced someone calling me and holding their number about 5 times last week and they dont say anything when I answer, is there any way to trace the number?
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Insane Wally
Whos is the gorgeous girl in the 'Forehead' (headache product) commercial? It's the one that starts off in black & white.

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