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Is there no way of preventing Landf  coming on to the AB site and spoiling threads?
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Hi folks ... anyone like to join me in Singing the Blues?  I don't really feel blue but just wonder how many song titles there are out there with blue/s in the title?  I'll kick off with the... ...
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I don't have the facility to provide Best Answer.  Am using a Chromebook with Google. This occurred previously but sorted.
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Today a friend brought me an Iced Paradise Slice .. I had forgotten how good it tasted with the fruit filling. Do you have a favourite cake .. what is it?
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If you have a spare £10,000, you might like to purchase this. ...
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What's your favourite coffee  ..if you drink coffee. Mine is Lavazza or Nescafe Azera. ...
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Keep on running  ..... doing well. Started 20.00 hrs.
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Harry Potter actor ...
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A man goes to a shrink one day and says
"Doctor, my wife is unfaithful to me - every night she goes to Larry's Bar and picks up men.  In fact, she sleeps with anyone who asks her.  What should I... ...
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I wonder if this little game would work on AB?   Each person has to make 3 brief statements about something they have done, two will be true, one will be false.  It is up to Abers to guess which... ...
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Having lived in Scotland all my life, I never knew that I could find myself LOST in Aberdeenshire. Have you come across any strange/funny signposts in UK or abroad?...
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10 years ago I won an afternoon with a John Lewis personal stylist and what fun we had as she looked trough racks of clothes to find what she thought suited me. One item (a Gerry Weber top) I still...
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Jessops transferred some photos on to a DVD - when I put it on to play it states "not compatible". ? reason and is there any way I can get it to play? Other DVDs are OK....
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After a glorious, sunny day (here at least), how about some Summery songs? Looking for a song with the word [i]SUMMER[i] in the title - only in the title - though lots of songs contain the word within...
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Some women like handbags and shoes ... I like watches. Give me a limitless credit card and I'd probably buy up a whole Swatch shop. I do think when someone buys a watch, it reflects their personality...
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Asking for a friend who has noticed that a red rose bush purchased about three years ago has, this year, a small white rose sprouting on the same branch as the red rose. Anyone experienced this and...
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Can we find some happy Summer songs which include the words .. JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER I'll kick off with 3rd of June.
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Wakened early and no early bird starters so here goes though won't be hanging around to chat. Things are looking bright up here in Scottyland - hope weather good where you are. Have a great day...
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