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Last night whilst riding home from Sainsbury's on my bicycle with my shopping in my rucksack i hit the usual busy main road which is probably the busiest road in my town, there is a wide footpath on...
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anotheoldgit Well thanks to The European Court of Human Rights it looks as if the UK will never again be able to send their foreign criminals back to where they came...
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http://www.dailymail....-border-controls.html We can't stop them from coming into the UK even though they are banned....
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for illegally taking money into the country to pay ransoms, for crews, ships caught by the Somalian pirates. The sentences are harsh, fifteen years i believe, it was just on my radio, so didn't catch...
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I know this is not really a news question, but since I have recently been criticised on this site for using the wrong term of address, I thought I would post on here in the hope that I may get an...
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anotheoldgit This just about sums up how crazy this country has become, £2,000 given to failed Asylum Seekers to return home, but they can still return in two...
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http://www.bournemout...ased_after_ten_weeks/ It's a sorry state of affairs when scum like this are released for no other reason than they need the space, presumably for some other piece of sub human...
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anotheoldgit Is it racist to ban this boys hair style, or is it just another case of certain groups demanding special treatment? If this hair style is allowed should skin-heads be...
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How long does a charge of ABH stay on your record? TIA
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As usual the UN is impotent. By the time any sort of action is taken to protect innocent Libyans. Gadaffi will have achieved his aims, that is, quash the revolution. I must agree with the USA stance...
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Is the United Kingdom " Dead " as parts of britain with devolved parliaments get bigger and better budgets than the majority tax payer nation England. Should English tax payers ask how the...
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R1Geezer Come on EU-philes can you justify MEP's facelifts on the taxpayer then? Can we now get out of this ridiculous club and get back to what we signed up for...
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http://www.dailymail....tml?ito=feeds-newsxml Would you be happy to sample ? Afterall we drink cows milk - dont we ? We digest human bodily fluids by for example, kissing dont we - tongues and all ?...
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R1Geezer Christ on a bike, the world's gone loopy, how can anyone imagine this is worth £13k compo?...
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Would this have anything to do with the a dwindling electorate who are totally fed up & have become dissillusioned with shallow promises, underhanded deviousness & being taken for a f-----...
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anotheoldgit It would appear that there is a law that overrides a persons civil liberties. /// But he agreed that the man, known only as Alan, should not be allowed to have sex with...
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anotheoldgit Last week we saw an illegal who will most likely be allowed to stay because she says, she is a lesbian. Now we have this single parent woman, who allegedly had two children...
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The Tory peer Lord Taylor, it has just been announced, has been found guilty of false accounting, i.e. "fiddling expenses". As one of the very few black peers, what kind of message does this...
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My son was charged with GBH about 2 years ago.There was no proof against him and the charge was dropped. Last night he was randomly stopped by the police,he gave his name and the officer told him that...

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