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what do you think of Gorden Brown
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Mr Veritas
You did realise that your username is the name of the (real) Archangel of Death?
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I was told in all seriousness that when he was a baby, Oliver Cromwell was carried off to the roof of the family home by a pet monkey! Any basis in historical fact?
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Does anyone know who is taking over from Rowan Atkinson? I read somewhere he is leaving on Saturday. Also is there a full up to date cast list online ? Brilliant show by the way.
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Come out come out wherevere thout are oh eddy weddy torrrrrrrr
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4pm is the time, suggestions is the place. Will you be participating? I missed it last week, so I might look in, and see what goes on. :-)
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Pouring down with non stop rain, daily paper full of swine flu panic items,soaked having taken the dog out---Oh I'm going back to bed , have had enough today so far.See you all about September!!!!!
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I am looking for any information/photos of an actress in the sixties. I believe her name was Andrea Posta but cannot find any details on the internet. Can anyone help?
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Is anyone here a scientologist?
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Anyone offf for a friday nite fumble? At home with your loved one doesnt count. Im talking out for a few drinks and hover around the local watering hole hoping for a friday nite fumble or some other...
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Known for its pottery but not in Wales (can anyone come with alt to Hornsea) A Child in a deep hollow A replacement hairdo that is heavy Don't want to have this in your dwelling A compass point along...
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Is is Day 4 ... isn't it ?? Anyway ... highlights today ... Nict t!ts. And a lovely tummy. But on Page 10, today. What else? Oh, yes. Lots of pics of Katie Price. Michael Jackson couldn't be a dad...
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My sis-in-law loves this but at the moment cannot find it anywhere and has asked me to look out for it. They used to sell it in Tescos, but not any more. I have looked in Morrisons too, but to no...
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Watching a re-run of The Sopranos, an elderly hooker offers Junior Soprano a 'half & half' in the back of the car. Clearly this is sexual, but in the sheltered I've lived I haven't come across it....
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What are your plans???? Now ordinarily I would have a nice bottle of wine, make something totally scrummy to eat, and go to bed disgustingly late. However, 5 days into a detox, feeling hitherto like a...
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how do you get over being cheated on/left for someone else. me and fiance had been together just under 5 years and have a 3 yr old son together.i don't know for sure if there was anything sexual going...
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Friday will soon dawn, and it's foggy here in Gloucestershire. No chance of seeing the space station last night. in fact, can't see much of anything just now. Oh well, have a good day anyway everyone.
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Folks ive got to do some errands ad meet up with some friends for refreshing alcoholic beverages (im not back to work till next week!) so i bid you all peace,love and farewell till later! Heres a...
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but i really wanted milk, anyone know how i can extract the milk fromt he custard?

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