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really struggling with this today and would appreciate some help ,thanks. 1a puddle behind factory is a smooth area of water (8) 1dcertain people have done this (4+4) 12a fish in dirty places are...
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Must be the clocks changing, but I am totally at sea with this one. Cannot see the connections, though I have most of the answers. Any small hint would be greatly received.
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I am not usually so stupid and can generally get a handle on the EV every week (indeed, I have actually won one) but this one has left me totally flummoxed. Can anybody give me a clue please? Regards
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Can't sleep again..... Section M - Have the same answer for both No 1..Proctor & Gamble paper towel & No 2 Another name for a herring boat.............Bounty/????? Can they both be right? Regards
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Help! Totally stuck on this one No 99 Top light and the reverse of its meaning (8)

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