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9d- highly suspenseful story of rock-climber ????f?????? 12a-unit go on horseback in front of trail by animals that is colourful ????????n? 16a- anona had sauce with fruit 7-5 ??????? ???l? 20a- way...
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For the early risers - Good morning to you and would you like to post the four words here so's not to double up We await with bated breath to see what Kate serves up for us and also for the final...
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Right, no messing about, straight to the point, etc. Last week 'the scorer' who shall remain nameless, made a right dogs breakfast of paulineward's results and tried to rob her of hard won points [not...
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Hello All Is anyone doing the comp in the magazine or online? Name the 8 cities pictured which have hosted the Champions League Final since and including 1993. No 1 ? No 2 Munich No 3 Barcelona? No 4?...
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An early start for yours truly this weekend, but I'm sure you will all manage to find the site OK with some help from the ever reliable crofter Week 4 presents us with a fresh chance to make up points...
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As crofter rightly says, here we all are again and I sincerely hope that my case of severe boldness has worn off and things are back to normal - well as close to it as we're ever likely to come. I see...
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Another week has gone by and it's time again to match wits with Kate Mepham of the Daily Telegraph. Can you predict the four Link Words successfully ?? The four words will be entered below by the...
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Given the four links to be established (using the words taken from today's DT) I would like to ask ABers precisely which words they would predict will appear in Monday's edition of the DT. This is...
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historically a levy imposed by charles1 on english towns to provide for maritime defence
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Yes it's the beginning of another month, and time to launch the Herculis Link Game for the month of December. As all of you regulars are aware, ShamrockBlue is unable to continue in his administrative...
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Can you predict Monday's Herculis Link words , given Saturday's shaded solutions ? All are welcome to enter, whether it's your first punt or you're a seasoned campaigner. Hello to all Links game...
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Hey - I won last Saturday's DTGK crossword! I was neatly folding the page to do this week's when there it was - my name! I am surprised you did not hear the shriek all over the land!! Thanks to all...
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driving me nuts! member of stage crew responsible for sets and costumes
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What colour are England playing in tomorrow v Portugal? I am assuming white, but cannot find it stated anywhere, and as you all know the right colour has to be worn down the pub!

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