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Captain Spod

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5 AC Port in ancient egypt east of alecandria (7) c?n???s 7 dn french region on the bay of Biscay (6,9) ??i?o? c?a???t?? many thanks in advance...
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Captain Spod
Some time ago I had a rant here about barter vs haggle and it seems that they are broadly interchangeable now (sigh). HOWEVER Sliver and slither are not the same, they are different parts of speech...
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The girlfriend is always claiming Im not "a real man". I suppose I should have gone the whole hog and got rid of the tits too....
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try to pee you off constantly... me and OH have been together for 5 years and he finally proposed last month so I am well excited, have set the date for August 2012, which is 19 months away.. I have...
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Don't know where else to put this question. I've been looking at property in Brittany and some of the details have 'in shift' and 'in full shift' on them. It's presumably a duff translation from the...
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Captain Spod
I don't know if AB users are allowed to use trade names, but could someone advise me of a knife sharpener that actually works and continues doing so for more than a few uses? Got some Viners knives in...
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I did a test run on a chocolate roulade yesterday. Trouble is, it wouldn't roll properly (despite my doing it carefully with a tea towel) and cracked so its like a flat mess of chocolate and cream....
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I know a bit about Inheritance Tax, but not enough !!! I'm married and I know that if I leave all my estate to my wife we get a joint allowance of £650000 and no Inheritance Tax is payable until...
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6d light or coarse twilled cotton cloth (8) ?E?N?T?E thanks
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We are now mortgage free (happily) but still have an endowment policy with Friends that is seriously under-performing. Latest statement (Nov 2010) = Duration 11 Nov 1997 - 2019. Death benefit...
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If I give someone a large amount of cash for him/her to pay off an overdraft and I pay it into their account myself, will their overdraft be paid off automatically?
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The biggest lie ever? "I have read and agree to the terms of use"...
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Could someone please remind me of the rules regarding money gifts to family members? I would like to help my family out in these hard times, but seem to remember some restrictions.
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do you think i could go to the bank and ask for a mortgage specifically to buy a house to do up and then flog it?
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Run and put the boot in (3-4) ?l?- k?c-? Fly kick? Why?
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my hubby and i both have an ISA/critical illness cover plan50/50. we took out the policy the same day pay in the same amout of money yet when we get statments his is worth more than mine.why? can...
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What phrase or saying includes the words assess and overcome?
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Am I permitted to transfer money from an existing Building Soc ISA into shares?
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west ham fan
I am a 63 year old female retired just have the goverment pension. I save £20.00 month, I have just my pension and disability allowence paid into my back account, my question is should I be...
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If someone brings out salary protection and are then made redundant, can they keep paying their premiums and receive their payments until they find work or does the plans only pay out for a year?

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