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Is it just me or does he look totally disinterested in being there. Not hiding it very well. Embarrasing. Only there to plug something - has he a new film out?...
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Everytime there is a cock up be it an overspend, some insane policy or plain incompitence, its usually follwed by the follwing phrase. It drives me mad because invariably, they never do, learn from...
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Just a few weeks after the great mans death (Gerry Anderson), ITV have announced they are producing 26 30min episodes of Thunderbirds for release in 2015. In one way im pleased that 50 years after the...
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Could the errors Chris Culliver made in last nights Superbowl be contributed to 'loss of focus' after the previous events and the media and public backlash that ensued. Or is it a convenient scapegoat...
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Blockbusters, retail businesses falling like dominoes, wonder if the pressure will increase on these firms that avoid corporation tax?
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Too late for Jessops but HMV are still trading, but both refused to honour gift vouchers. As they have had the money surely they are breaking the law not honouring them, also were they being deceptive...
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My neice being a typical teenager is never off her phone, last month she ran up a horrendous bill of over £400, obviously this cant be sustained. I found a company called Giffgaff which short of...
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You don't get to see a lot of her face but anyone know who she is?
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Need a hint to this on, it seems that the bicycle wheel may represent a dartboard. There are 5 sequences of 3 darts. I have tried adding up the totals of the throws but that doesn't work. I feel the...
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Bloke goes to an STD clinic, doctor examines him and says. "Yes Mr Smith you have definately got Hermes" Bloke says "Surely you mean Herpes" "No" says the Doctor...
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Hear about the Irishman who thought Sugar Diabetes was a Welsh Boxer
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Bloke goes to the Doctors; "Doctor a bee stung me on the nose, should i put cream on it" The irrited doctor says "Don't be stupid man, it will be miles away by now" TaDah...
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Chap goes into a chemist in Stockholm and says. "I would like to buy some deodorant pleas." The assistant replies "Ball or Aerosole" To which the chap replies "No i want it...
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They clearly didnt deliver and broke their contract but G4S seems to think they are entitled to their £57m management fee siting the fee was "substantially" real costs not profit. They...
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Lots of strong candidates this year with many outstanding performances, who do you think is going to win? Andy Murray, Bradley Wiggings, Jes Ennis, David Weir, Ellie Simmonds, any I have missed. My...
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Now the Paralympics are nearly over, what will the government be dipping into the lottery fund for next? The government have been using the fund as its own personal piggybank and has come under fire...
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Just bought the above tablet, does anyone know if it works with a Huawei E367 dongle? does it need a particular app to work or should it work straight out of the box? Many Thanks
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London 2012 was arguably the best Olympic Games in living memory with a fantastic atmosphere, wonderful athletic performances, world class venues and the best medal haul for Team GB in 104 years. The...
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The USA held the 1984 Olympics in LA and the 1996 games in Atlanta, a gap of 12 years , an inordinately short period of time. Why was this? Also if NY City were successfull in bidding on the 2012...
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There is an advert for the Lebanon Tourist Board being shown on Eurosport, who is the blonde haired actress in it. She looks familiar, she may be Scottish as i think i noticed an accent. Cheers!

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