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My mums in hospital with my dad and can't leave him, my sisters car is broken, its too icy so i cant take my ped, all my neighbours are out, the buses aren't running, all other family live over 45...
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Would you say peanut butter is savoury or sweet? OH asked if we had any I said no, there is marmalade though, he said he wanted something savoury on his toast – you get the picture....
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.that object following the couple in the logo? Is it a stalker?
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crafty is here and not missing it for a change.
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We have ben promised snow in Bournemouth, where is it? I demand my share of snow!
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I may have found my effigy without even looking far..PMSL
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I met this man a few weeks ago and he has been constantly texting asking me out his texts were so frequent they were starting to get annoying. I have been out with him a few times and he is nice I...
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We have only really known each other a month but the instant we met online he lived near, attractive it was like we was made for each other.. he instantly give me his number and got on so well.. this...
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Only 3 hours to go ! 10pm on Sky Channel More4...
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I would've got away with this disguise had it not being for those pesky meddling kids! A message from our leader.... I have left this site for good because of leg, nok and kn0bby, they think that...
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Don't bring your animals to my house. Don't sit on the arms of my furniture, bloody annoying! Don't smoke in my house. Yeah, I'm anti social ... and???...
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but seriously, why would someone call on you and expect you to welcome them in with one in tow?? If I wanted an animal in my house I would get one? Sorry if this offends anyone, but I'd really like to...
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Oh a kingdom for my orange buckets
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Does anyone know the middle name of Albert Steptoe please? Thanks Localgirl...
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Bonne Année to all my family and friends in France Bliadhna Mhath Ùr to all my family and friends in Alba...

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