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Hello everyone! Sometimes I become sad without any reason. I missed those bad things which happened with me in my past, I start thinking about those people who hurt me badly, then i start cry and...
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I wouldn't mind a chat. Just talk about stuff an problems. Bit worried about darts being thrown. Suffer depression. Just want to chat. Stuff happening. Lots. Don't want sympathy, just a chat. Maybe...
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hey epic gamers, so basically i'm having trouble with my sexuality. ok sorry. seriously, i have a very hard time getting an answer due to my situation. the tos on most websites don't allow me to post...
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I didn't know that the above was re made , starring Denzel Washington . Watched bits of it the other night , in between falling asleep and waking up ,on the settee ( as usual ) Anyway from the bits I...
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What's all the hype? I've read so many times to not watch it alone but it's a bit 'meh' We've seen so many documentaries on serial killers...why is this suppose to be scarier than others?...
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My daughter of 24 years is expecting her first child and will raise it as a single parent. We have always had a difficult relationship and she is very angry and bitter for some things that happened in...
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Hubby bought me this necklace ages ago. Nothing fancy. A heart on a chain. First time I wore it I developed this red raw rash exactly where the chain lay on my neck. Didn’t say anything as didn’t...
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After years of him in and out of doctors, extreme moods, hyper then sobbing his heart out, depression, attempting self harm...... And just constantly put on various meds, he has seen a new doctor and...
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Years ago I was seriously phobic about the dentist, I had to have Valium to get in in the building, never mind up the stairs and into the chair! On one occasion, I had to forgo my tranquiliser because...
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Ok so what’s your verdict ? Did you enjoy it ?...
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Did anyone watch the new drama tonight"Cleaning up" with Sheridan Smith? What did you think of it? I thought it looked like another really good drama that makes for compulsive viewing to see what...
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I’ve asked this question before, but a long time ago, so just for a bit of fun I’ll ask it again. Contestants on ‘Only Connect’ always have a quirky little tale to tell about themselves, so if...
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It has been suggested that obesity should be considered a disease. How would describing 'normal' fat people...
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Apart from a flight to Geneva hoe best might a chap make his quietus?
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I've just been re-watching this film, and wondered if anyone there agrees that it is one of the funniest films ever made.
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Can anyone give me a summary, I watched all 3 but with all the flash backs etc I am at a loss as to what it was all about ?
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The Russians say they are going to the moon for the express purpose of proving the US did not make a moon landing in 1969. Do you think the US made the landing in 1969? Or was it a hoax?
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ToraToraTora So the VONC is a complete waste of time....

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