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Chris Can You Help

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Caran | 00:47 Mon 07th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
is there anywhere i can get strictly last night. OH lap top only does live streaming not catchup tv.


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Why have you gone to France if all you want to do is read British newspapers and watch British TV? I'm puzzled.
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Hi Caran! Lovely to see you here in Chatterbank! *smiles and waves* ;)

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Can you not get iplayer on your tablet?
Did you resolve the conundrum of 'The Catch' and whether it was the 'Trawlermen' Hubby had seen before?
If I'm reading this correctly, unfortunately it looks as though iPlayer isn't an option -
Why Methyl? Why can't you just answer the question here and Caran can have the question moved in the morning?

Duplicate posts cause more problems than posts in the wrong category!
You can try the link after this one Caran,

I do have to agree with Jackdaw33.
Jackdaw + Stuey....I'm sure that's not all Caran is wanting to do on her holiday.

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Well, Bathsheba, the fact that she mentions it signifies to me that it's of some importance, which of course, if that is what Caran wants, is fine. However, when I used to travel, many years ago unfortunately, to South America and the Caribbean, I had absolutely no interest whatsoever in keeping up on what was going on at home: I went on holiday to get away from it and enjoy something completely different.
Exactly my point, Stuey. Anyway, you can always continue to have your papers delivered and record your favourite TV progs ready for when you get home. This is one of the pleasures of being abroad; temporarily you are divorced from the day-to-day routine.
Why don't you use the iplayer Caran, if it works in France. It will still be on there when you return though !
Iplayer.doesnt work abroad.
Stuey & Jackdaw. The holiday police.

I don't understand why everyone else is answering when the question has been personalised for Chris, unless of course you're all called Chris!
It looks as if you are going to have to wait until your return to Blighty then long are you away for ?

I have to say that for me personally, to give up pappy TV for a few days, in return for a few days in France, with all that lovely food and wine wouldn't be too much of a wrench !
Zacs - the Ab police
It's Caran's holiday and about what she enjoys. I've been on plenty of holidays where OH has sought out bars showing the football....
As has been said, BBC iPlayer won't work overseas (due to rights issues).

However installing ExPat Shield onto your OH's laptop, Caran, will enable it to fool the BBC's server into thinking that you're still in the UK. (NB: Ensure that you reject any 'extras', such as unwanted toolbar, during the installation)

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