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Spam Emails !

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mikey4444 | 11:30 Fri 04th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I have been taking a count for the past 7 days as to how many spam emails I get....its worked out as an average of over 60 a day !

Thank goodness for the Spam Folder !


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I find the numbers rise and fall. I used to get lots; not it's only two or three a day, but it could go up again (probably when they reconfigure their algorithms). Reporting spam helps the system recognise stuff you don't want next time it happens.
I have a main private e mail address, and one for competition entries, shopping etc.
The private one never gets any spam, as it never goes to possibly untrustworthy sites.
I rarely get any,...just checked my Spam folder (Yahoo) and I've had an average of 2 a week.....
What sort of internet sites do you visit Mikey?

I get very few and those I do get come from sites I have provided info to.
Some of what goes into a spam folder may be genuine communication from reputable sources, but is identified as spam due to its format.
I get about 5 a day, but what is the point on hot-mail account having a block as a choice, it never works?

Hi Sue :-)
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wrong thread I think, Baldric

Oops wrong thread!! :o(
If it's getting to be a problem it's worth considering changing to a new email account. I have one account I use with trusted friends, family and some organisations and another I use when dealing with people/organisations I know less well or don't trust. I rarey get spam on teh first but lots on the second
It would, maybe, suggest that you have inadvertently disclosed more information about yourself somewhere than you should of.
I am thinking of your post about nuisance calls that you seem to recently been plagued with?
@ trt....will ya give over calling me Sue on here? I'm Bathsheba,...p m s l :) x x

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