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Two Mobile Phones With The Same Number

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madiba | 02:23 Sun 14th Jun 2015 | Technology
5 Answers
I have an iPhone 6 plus on a "3"mobile contract. The phone does everything that I need but they are quite big to carry around in your pocket when not wearing a jacket. I also have an iPhone 4 which works fine but is no longer in use.
Is it possible to get a new SIM card for the iPhone 4 with the same number as the iPhone 6 to use as a "slave" for calls and texts only ?


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I can't see that it could be done because the cellular phone network works through knowing where a phone is at any particular time. i.e. your phone periodically sends out an "I am here" message to local transmitters, so that the system knows where to route your incoming calls to. If the phone companies allowed the same number to be allocated to two different...
02:35 Sun 14th Jun 2015
I can't see that it could be done because the cellular phone network works through knowing where a phone is at any particular time. i.e. your phone periodically sends out an "I am here" message to local transmitters, so that the system knows where to route your incoming calls to. If the phone companies allowed the same number to be allocated to two different phones there would be a risk of the system breaking down through the two phones injecting conflicting information into the system.
If the 2nd phone is on the same network you could swap the SIM between the 2 phones according to which one you want to use.
As mentioned above.

If your mobile service supplier allowed that it would open up fraud opportunities.

One SIM card, one number. If a duplicate SIM is provided then the old one is cancelled.
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Thanks for you replies , bit of a long shot but worth a try.
Swapping the SIM cards isn't an option as they are different sizes.
It looks then like using both phones with their own numbers and call forwarding from the 6 to the 4. Thanks again. User Recommendation

The adaptors in this set will allow you to use the 6 sim card in the 4!

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Two Mobile Phones With The Same Number

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