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Would You Have Said Something?

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Barsel | 13:22 Wed 06th May 2015 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Was sitting in the doctors waiting room this morning and it was really quiet in there, except for a young girl who was talking on her mobile phone. I wasn't listening to her conversation but I heard the 'F' word not just once, but over and over again. I noticed that it's an age thing as other young 'uns didn't flinch it was just us oldies that were looking quite shocked. Would you have said something to her? I didn't say anything in case she told me I shouldn't be listening to her conversation and I wasn't but you couldn't help but hear her. x


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She would have been ejected forthwith from my doctor's waiting room by the hatchet-faced Gestapo-like females behind the "Reception" (ha ha) desk.
I probably wouldn't, although I don't like to hear anyone - man or woman, using foul language. These days a lot seem to use it without even realising they're doing it.

My Surgery has two very prominent signs telling people to switch their 'phones off, and on two occasions I have seen the Receptionist castigate people very quickly if hey digress. She is very scary though !
I would have walked over to her and told her to mind her language. If she continued, I would have demanded that the Receptionist deal with the matter.

Not difficult surely ?
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The receptionist area is not near the waiting area so if I got up and walked in their direction, there's only one place I would be going so if the receptionist came back with me, the girl would have known it was me that reported her, so I might just as well have told her myself.I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but she did seem like someone you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of and she also looked like someone who wasn't going to turn her phone off and apologise.
I would if there were children around.
// As a bloke I ignore girls unless they speak to me first. Especially in your circumstances.//

agree Melv - but you will find it wont stop Lesbians smacking you in the gob just for the hell of it anyway

Are you sure Barsel she wasnt using the F word because she was waiting to see a gynaecologist ?
Went into a whole answer here re the negativity of the mobile phones and stated a lot of comments - read them over - I said to myself "not worth your while" posting since everybody loves mobile phones - not me.

Loss of eye contact - loss of human engagement - loss of "hiya" loss of "good to see ya" - I mean (facially) - loss of "how's your wee dog" - just complete loss of conversation.

Anybody visiting me are not allowed to turn their mobile phones on in my home - but still they come.
I think youre gonna have to lock and bar the door JayJay
Jenny, I don't like mobiles either. I've got one but I only have it charged up for long car journeys, just in case I break down.
mobile phone conversation - apart from serious emergency calls.

Ach Hello there, and where are you

Och I'm in Lidl and where are you

Och I'm in the same place as you

Ach I don't believe ya

We're all living boring funking lives the same as you.
Yes, in my own words, that she would understand.
i would have asked her to take her conversation outside !

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