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How Do You Feel Inside

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TWR | 05:48 Thu 09th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
When you hear that terrorist have blow up & killed / Injured / maimed Men / Women / Children? I have just watched the Early news & they were talking about that person in New York the caused that bomb to blow the day of that marathon, it has been reported that the Death Penalty may apply, I have anger inside me when I hear these stories about persons getting killed for no reason & my view's are, when the terrorist's get caught, like a dog that bites, put them down, I know my views are strong on this as I have said before, but that is my opinion, what is your views on the Terrorist / Bombers that do not give a toss about human life.


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The west doesn’t create martyrs - the concept of martyrdom exists within the philosophy. Sparing the lives of mass murderers doesn’t make them any less admired by those who support their actions.
So if they live or die Naomi they are still revered by their followers.

What is the most economical outcome?

One less for the radicals to follow and preach the word of terrorism can't be a bad outcome.
//The lesser of two evils would be to execute them but not give them an appropriate Muslim burial -that would never happen of course due to 'ooman rites'//

It happened to Bin Laden –allegedly. No shrine for him.
1ozzy, I agree.
Woo hoo Naomi. I think this is the first time we have agreed on something.
High five girl ;-).

I did promise myself nearly a year ago to stay away from politics on answerbank.
You helped me make that decision ;-)
1ozzy, Oo-er! Really? Can't think why.
I'll leave skeletons in the closet Naomi.

Have a great day!

And keep that opinion of yours active ;-)
I will. :o)
OG***we should not stoop to their level when dealing with them***

I would be quite happy to stoop to their level.Line all the terrorists up against a wall and I would be quite happy to shoot all the ***.x

ummmm*** It's not just terrorists that kill innocent people.***

That's true ummmm, I think it's the way they kill people that makes us sick to our stomachs.x
They are the evil dross of mankind and need to be exterminated.
All intentional killing is sick. I think with terrorist attacks it's the numbers involved and the reason why.
I agree ummmm, as you say it's the numbers involved and the reasons as well of course the way they carry out these murders. I tried to use a swear word disguised but it got asterisked out! x
Muslim burial? Just chuck the carcass into a pig-farm!

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