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tories against EMU

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LukeMc | 15:11 Fri 21st Nov 2003 | News
13 Answers
why are there so many conservative mp's against the EMU? and the euro, e.g john redwood,etc


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Because joining the Euro would mean surrendering the UK's control of the economy, gold reserves, interest rates, etc.
A fundamental of Tory doctrine is the belief in the sovereignty of the UK - and they view alliance with Europe with deep suspicion.
Yet, strangely, it is only Tory leaders who have taken us ever-further into the EU! Heath in the 70s took us into the EEC...Thatcher in the 80s signed the Single European Act...and Major in the 90s signed up to the Maastricht Treaty. Incidentally, on none of these occasions did Tories shout out that "The people's voice must be heard!" as they are doing now over the Constitution. In other words, there wasn't a referendum in sight over any of them; indeed, the only referendum ever held on Europe was that arranged by Harold Wilson (Labour) in 1974 or 5. Even Churchill was a great believer in ever-stronger integration with Europe. They're a strange lot, Tories, as the recent 'slaughter' and current euphoria over a leader who came fifth out of five at the last leadership election indicate.
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I agree with Quizmonster. It is hypocritical for the Conservative Party to oppose the Euro but support membership of the EU. The solution is for people to vote for a pro-European (and therefore anti-EU) party such as the UKIP or OMRLP or Liberal Party, and not to vote for a pro-EU (and therefore anti-European) party such as the Lib Dems, Labour or Conservative parties.
I don't care what QM and the others say. It has not been the same since Rod Hull died.
Red Quizmo is one of the old school of Reds under the Bed. I am one of those who directly (and sometimes physically!) opposed them. The exchange of banter is only a bit of fun against this background. QM's contribution to the interest and quality of Answerbank is magnificent, and I take this opportunity to wish him a very happy Christmas 2003, and all the best for the New Year with very many future happy years of question answering to come.
And a merry festive season to you and yours, too, dear Maude. A guid New 'ear tae ye an' mony may ye see. (Thought I'd greet you, at least partly, in the appropriate Hogmanay-lingo.)
you don't get as much meat as you do on a turkey

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