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Is Nigel Farage Telling The Truth?

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anotheoldgit | 09:22 Wed 14th Jan 2015 | News
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/// Communities Secretary Eric Pickles accused Mr Farage of ‘pandering to peoples’ worst fears’ and branded his comments ‘irresponsible and wrong’. ///

/// But Mr Pickles said the comments were ‘irresponsible and wrong’, and accused the Ukip leader of both ‘running down’ Britain and ‘pandering to peoples’ worst fears’. ///

Notice that Mr Pickles falls short of saying "it is all lies".



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Well, given recent events at Tower Hamlets,

videos of Muslim youths telling Caucasian people to leave certain areas and the Police admitting they did nothing concrete for years at Rotherham through a fear of being labelled racist would tend to prove Farage's point.
As a politician with a looming General Election he's bound to play on these facts, facts that Pickles appeared not to deny outright.

I am hardly DM readership material but I want to select a quote from AOG's post :::

"The Ukip leader claimed British cities are being run under Sharia Law"

Can someone tell where in Britain Sharia Law is "running a British city" please ?
While I am at it, can anyone tell me when and where "Sharia Law" has prevented FGM prosecutions please.

"Mr Farage said the imposition of Sharia law meant there had been no prosecutions for the ‘tens of thousands’ of female genital mutilations carried out in Britain"

Is it any wonder that Americans have these hackneyed ideas of how we all live here in Britain, when people like Farage insists on running our country down, in order to gain short term advantages in the run-up to a General Election. Far be it for me to defend Mr Pickles but he has my support here.
He doesn't need your support mikey, he's already being well looked after:

AOG has gilded the lily a tad with his assessment mikey because Farage never said that, which is the bit that needs to be remembered.
I wonder if Mr Pickles, or for that matter most MPs would be prepared to actually walk through a housing estate in a large city. No, they are too wrapped up in their comfy safe houses. They are so far removed from real life they haven't a clue what is going on out there. This annoys the hell out of me and makes me want to stand for election !
Chili...silly me...I was just quoting the DM article as truth...I shan't make that mistake again !
Read it again mikey, Farage never said that, AOG did.
This is what Farage actually said:

In an interview with US news channel Fox News, Mr Farage said the authorities had turned a ‘blind eye’ to the growth of ghettos where ‘the police and all the normal agents of the law have withdrawn and that is where Sharia law has come in’.

Chili...I was quoting the DM article, not AOG. AOG may not have said these two next things but the DM said that Farage did ::::

Top of the page bullet point :::

"The UKIP leader claimed British cities are being run under Sharia Law"

Further down the page :::

"Mr Farage said the imposition of Sharia law meant there had been no prosecutions for the ‘tens of thousands’ of female genital mutilations carried out in Britain"

I haven't paraphrased the DM, instead I have quoted in full. But I shan't quote the DM again, without checking its validity with you first !

To answer AOG's original Farage telling the truth ?.....well it transpires that no, he isn't. He appears to be using a witches brew of hyperbole, exaggeration, and complete lies, in order to whip up racial unrest, in the run-up to the May election.

To make matters worse, he chose an notoriously gullible audience, the American media and the American people, in order to do achieve this.

Well done Nigel...another foot in mouth triumph !
"n order to whip up racial unrest.. "

A criminal offence then Mikey. Report it to the police, preferably in person (and please video it so we can watch a reality check after you have been given two words of advice).
Orderlimit...I am sure that Mr Pickles already has this in hand !

As long as Farage continues to plant his foot firmly in his mouth, the appeal of his Party will continue to wane. Its all grist to the Mill as far as I am concerned...the bigger fool he makes of himself, the better I like it !
Don't just leave it to others to report crime Mikey and you have previously indicated you tackle robustly challenge racism. What about all the "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do NOTHING" ????
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/// AOG has gilded the lily a tad with his assessment mikey because Farage never said that, which is the bit that needs to be remembered. ///

I can see no evidence where I have "gilded the lily a tad" as you put it, if I have perhaps you can furnish me with the evidence?
Minor confusion, for which I'll blame mikey!
I do do because he quoted a post by you with quotation marks, when in fact it was bullet pointed from the headline, thus quotation marks should not have been used as these were not the actual words spoken.

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