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The Scum

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TWR | 20:04 Wed 03rd Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
How the hell was the Killers Of Lee Rigby allowed to even appeal against their sentence? If it was left to me they would have been on the end of a rope ( Or is that incorrect to even say it ? )


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TWR sad though this case is, that is irrelevant.
We are discussing judicial process and it is being followed correctly.
Their appeals were thrown out. The system worked.
If you just want to kill them, even though the system is working to all of our advantages, well what can I say?
His murder was beyond doubt heinous, brutal and unforgivable, I think most will agree on that.

But the right to appeal within our system stands - to change things, one has to get involved somehow. Otherwise all we can do is scream and rant at the paper or screen.
You are a great advocate for the victim TWR, I'll grant you that.
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How the Feck can scum appeal when it was televised for millions to see, he was seeing doing it, the scum had the weapon in his hand, correct me if I'm wrong, would you say there is cause for appeal? If so I'm missing something here.
indeed you are.
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TWR, to couch a law that says, you have the right to appeal then add 'except....if,if,if' - is unworkable.
Because the PC hand wringers demand it of the justice system... i'd have locked the door and chucked away the key!!
How long do solicitors train for?

I know they are expensive but would anyone want a solicitor representing them if they were paid £15 an hour? And aren't some solicitors duty bound to represent people?
If you were to take a straw poll, or a referendum in this country on capital punishment, I think that there would be a large majority to reintroduce it for some crimes. Why do our politicians ignore the wishes of the people they asked to elect them?
I think you'll be disappointed with the result, Pinkerton...
I doubt that very much ummm
I agree with Ummmm in that most people would not vote to reinstate capital punishment.

The death penalty degrades society.
TWR has just started a new thread with just that question - the vote would be 'No' to reintroducing Capital Punishment.
Lovely jubbly, another TWR thread.
It is correct folk have a right of appeal, regardless. Otherwise who decides who is to be denied ? Can we see how that could be abused by a dictatorial authority ?

It would be nice if, when the request seems frivolous, the cost could be held down, and the decision reached quickly. But there would need to be clear cut definitions on what makes an appeal a serious request.
I agree with you pinkerton.

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