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Car Insurance

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maggiebee | 12:12 Mon 01st Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Just received my renewal quote for car insurance. Thought it was a bit high so gave them a ring. Surprise, surprise, they've managed to knock £70 off it. Pays to ask methinks.


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Always, fact the last but one time I called to get them to reduce it a bit I so confused the young lad that it ended up less than I had paid the year before...

So...ask and confuse maybe.....☺
I've always viewed renewal insurance quotes as a fishing trip by the various companies to see what they can get away with.

I've always gone online to better them, whether it be car, house or travel insurance.

I got my car insurance from the same company £100 cheaper by going online for a quote. Same insurance deal, but better windscreen cover.
Same with house insurance. We were paying over £340 for buildings and contents after using the same company for years. Daughter told us to look online and we now pay £120 for better cover!
Maggi, as many have said on this subject, loyalty mean SOD ALL, when you are renewing do what you and other's have done but make sure the conditions are the same, if one is cheaper than the other RIP OFF merchants, say bye bye, " The Price Is Right" that's what I do.
It's amazing what you can gain by asking/pushing a little. Needing to change pounds to Euro a couple of months ago, I informed the agent that I could get get better elsewhere, but that I wanted to change my money with them as they were a trustworthy company. They agreed to change at the best rate I had seen online that day. Last week, looking at booking a holiday for 2015, the company I wished to go with were not offering a low deposit, so I phoned them and explained that I only wanted to go THAT destination, THAT hotel, and with THEIR reliable company only, but explained that I only had a certain amount to deposit that day. They agreed to take my low deposit that I offered! It definitely pays to ask
don't ask don't get!
NEVER EVER accept your renewal quote from your own company. It will ALWAYS be inflated!!!
They rely on your hectic lifestyle / apathy or whatever for you just to accept whatever they throw at you.
Loyalty means SUCKER!!!
pays to shop round every year theres always a company that will beat ya renewal

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