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Michaels Fabricant's Hair ?

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mikey4444 | 18:08 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I know we have discussed this topic before but what on earth is that on top of his head ?

Is it a wig or is he having a laugh ?


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Mikey Perhaps he thinks he is a Whig,rather than a Tory.
18:21 Fri 15th Aug 2014
mikey, his constituency is fairly local to me and his hair ( or wig ) has always looked the same !.
Michael's Fabricated Hair is on top of Michael Fabricant's head.

i suppose that if he has proof of purchase from the wigmaker then it is, in fact, his hair

Mikey Perhaps he thinks he is a Whig,rather than a Tory.
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LOL SirOracle !
Thank you Mikey for best answer.
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No probs !

He says its "enhanced" apparently. What does this mean ? Does he have hair extensions ? You know, those daft things that some women use...another persons hair knotted up with their own. Can't think of anything more horrible myself...well, you wouldn't know where its been would you ?
Mikey In his case I am sure that any enhancement will come from a well vetted source.
Looks like he's had a similar enhancement to Elton John to me.
I'm sure a few in his party will lend him their rollers....
I can spot a syrup at 20 paces and that definitely is not his real hair. Anyone remember the adverts for Crown Topper wigs for men ? they looked 'orrible & could be spotted a mile off too.
Mikey In his case I am sure that any enhancement will come from a well vetted source.

Or something that passed away at the Vets.
A few biscuits and a saucer of milk would go down very well.
Either that or there are no mirrors in his house.
Before becoming a politician he appeared on a 70's childrens show Hickory House.
I know. He looks like he has a startled Cairn terrier sellotaped to his head.
now jan, don't be nasty to Cairns, they're lovely !! ( I'd put any money you like on that being a rug !! )
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Thanks everybody...not just me that thinks he looks like a plonker then !

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