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Whitby High Light

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Psybbo | 18:53 Sun 03rd Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I fully expected mrs_o to romp home but she let me down


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I like the fog horns on the roof, they could be handy.
Question Author
That property looks amazing, I'd love to live there
Yes! Imagine some herbert parks his motorhome next to your fence...a quick blast in the dead of night would shift him sharpish lol
The Cleveland Way passes right by it so you have people gawping in your windows all day long. It is also very bleak up there in winter
Yep, keep the great unwashed away.
Right, off to get ready for the quiz. Bye all xx
Are you dishing out the brollies, mrs oversoaked ?.
Exactly do you mean by 'cruising' Mrs O? Please define for us all.

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Whitby High Light

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