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Caran | 00:04 Sun 20th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
we are going on a cruise round the British Isles in September. would a dongle work. has anyone any experience of using one on board a ship?


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Sorry Caran, no idea. I've always paid to use the ship's computers.........
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Craft we too have that option, just wondering whether it would be cheaper to have a dongle. Also we could use it in the cabin instead of going to the lounge.
My Vodafone dongle wouldn't work on the car ferry - had to log on to Stena Line's unsecured wifi if I wanted to use the internet. As it was to do some banking I decided to wait for dry land.
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Very sensible SpikeyBush!
my dongle connected with 3 tees would not work in Zambia, even though PC World rang them in front of me and they assured me it would, came home & demanded my money back from both and got it straight away. but I was without communication for a month.
Try contacting the cruise people, around UK should not be too hard to find one.
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Thanks Dee Sa.
my blackberry logged onto the network 'MCP' (Maritime Communications Portal) while at sea. This showed up on my bill as a Norwegian network even though I was on the Dublin to Holyhead ferry so beware of roaming charges
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if i was using a dongle would i be liable for roaming charges?
Caran some cruise ships have a computer room have you checked about your ship ?
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yes, they offer connection in lounges but dependent on signals available.
if the ship gets a weak signal don't think your dongle would get a better one
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might decide to bite the bullet and leave it at home!
it may be just small parts of the coast where they have a problem most of your cruise may be fine for a signal
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i don't really like the idea of leaving you lot of wonderful people for nine days or so, will miss you all!
I had to sign up to a set term contract for mine - can't remember if it's 9 months or a year - which could prove very expensive if you only want to use it for a couple of weeks.
Yeah take one anyway

and then at quiet moments, you can say loudly to Mr C - " Mr C do you have a dongle that doesnt droop ? " to wild mirth as cruises are pretty quiet most os the time arent they ?
Ring up the network company and inquire.

Be careful.though,could work out verrry expensive.
One time when I was out in Cape Town,my daughter used her`s(the place had no wifi at the time),she used her dongle for 40mins £290!!!

I have a TMobile wireless pointer,(works same as a dongle but up to 5 gadgets can be used off it) and when you log on to it,when abroad,it asks you how much data time you want to buy(mine is contract).

Now ,you will be within the UK,so to speak,could work as it usually does.
I was on a cruise from Cape Town last April and found it a pain having to go to the lounges to use my netbook,there was also a Cybercafe onboard.

Like I said before,get in touch with the provider.

Have a lovely time. internet charges onboard were outrageous!!!
A lot of the time you may be too far from the coast to get a signal from land based masts. And your cruise of the British Isles I take it will include the Republic of Ireland which will incur roaming charges if you use a UK SIM card.

Sounds like a beautiful holiday though. May do something similar when I retire.

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