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Corsa 1.4 Sxi.

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Jeza | 23:09 Sat 28th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
My car is 6 years old in 2 weeks. Booked it in for it's annual service and MOT. The main dealer often rings about a trade in but I'm happy as, other than normal costs the car has not given me a moments trouble.

Today in a queue a couple were arguing about her next car. He wanted her to buy a Corsa. She said it was an old woman's car. I'm gutted, is that what people think. Maybe I will go for a trade. So is it an old woman's car.


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Not too much if that yet, must go 15 minutes till the Disney parade (I am in some smoking crèche).
Give Goofy a big wave from me, please!
Agree that its a teenagers or an OAP car. But if we think about it, so are most small cars. The middle age folk are either having to cart families around or are trying to out power there peers with no concern for the price of fuel!
does it matter? I drive a 13 year old peugeot estate which is probably an old farts car, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, its reliable, cheap to run and the estate is handy for carting stuff around. I wouldnt let one persons opinion matter so much to me.
It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks ( for myself I don't look at someone's ride and make judgements about them very often, unless it's an Aston or an E-type etc which you can't help but notice and speculate upon) so if you like your car keep it, or if you don't then get a new one, but get one you like, don't rack your brains to try to think what doesn't make you look 'old' because 62 isn't old anyway. Just enjoy yourself and stuff everyone else.
It's your car, you own it, you have paid for it, you like it, others might not be able to afford one, sod them Jeza.

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Corsa 1.4 Sxi.

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