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Wobbly Staircase

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DrFilth | 21:05 Wed 18th Jun 2014 | News
10 Answers
would not fancy walking up that for the next match


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Disaster waiting to happen, very shoddy.
21:16 Wed 18th Jun 2014
Disaster waiting to happen, very shoddy.
Astonishing that this should be allowed to happen - heads need to roll.
I don't think I could bring myself to walk up them. I hate stairs.
Wild horses wouldn't get me up those stairs. I'll show OH when he gets up, he's a scaffolder.
I'd probably start crying :-)
Yes well the 'elf 'n saftey brigade have not invaded Latin America's shores yet.
Just as long as there isn't a slope on it, all should be okay. :0)
I knew we would have a anti-H+S post on here sooner or later. It would seem that the H+S are well overdue a visit ymb ! Would YOU be happy to walk up those stairs, or perhaps let your kids do so ?
Seems a country needs more to run a football tournament than massive TV screens, sunshine and some dodgy looking burds with large posteriors.
It's the third world with some bright bits of plastic draped over it.

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