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Flora The Third

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Munden | 11:53 Wed 29th Mar 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Can anyone help with the following please? I've been tearing my hair out (and I haven't got much anyway).

1 Has the cheese been tickled (7,4)

2 Line on earth connects you initially to the papers (7,7)

3 Does a Volvo's headlamp produce one to shine on a tree (7,9)



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Munden To the left of your posting, you should see a box with the header "Search the site". Type in Flora the third and click on GO and browse at your leisure!

1) cheddar pink

2) leyland cypress

3) swedish whitebeam

Thank you crofter for your explanation to Munden about the use of the search box.As a relative newcomer, I had thought that there must be some means of referring back to questions on the same subject. I can now understand the comments from various ABers that questions had been answered in previous postings.
Question Author
Thanks Crofter for the tip. And Chelle for the answers, was really only looking for some guidance but thanks anyway. Still some to do on the quiz though.

i always find that it is worth checking through each days answers, then it keps you up to date.

i do use the search feature, but it doesnt always bring up all answers on a topic--well that's mt experience any way

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Flora The Third

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